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Subject: totp is dead!

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  04:10 PM   -   totp is dead!



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Top of the Pops is being taken off BBC1. I'm telling you that this is the end of the music industry as we know it. The fat cats have killed it! Give up and become interested in something worthwhile like gardening and kids.

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Message 21/28                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: totp is dead!



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I'm to young to remember OGWT... ahem.. honest.

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Message 22/28                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  08:54 PM   -   RE: totp is dead!



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long live english pop telly.....

and mrs. cleaver.

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Message 23/28                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  09:13 PM   -   RE: totp is dead!


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Great theme tune too and as for the rant K I couldn't agree more get these ceo fuckers up against the wall.I feel blessed that I live in the affluent west where my family and I live free from hunger,war,and disease the people around us view us as being poor I feel as though I live in luxury because I know what the shit end of the stick tastes like and this ain't it.

Everybody is seemingly a "professional"(and I don't mean CI5)these days,but how many people are really able to make a living from an art that most people regard as a pastime?That is a PRIVILEGE that is only afforded to those who live in a materially wealthy society.It's great if you can pull it off,making your vocation your vacation and all that,and if you do manage it be grateful that you live in a place where it's possible.

The notion that music will die out because of downloading is ridiculous,even the idea that it will become impossible to profit financially from music because of downloading is worthy of derision,in my not so very fucking humble opinion.

Home taping is killing music! Aye right!Baws it is!

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Message 24/28                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: totp is dead!


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did someone say music had been killed? when was this then? any recent examples to prove this....


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Message 25/28                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: totp is dead!


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lol Jock, Nirvana showed up TOTP for what they were, nearly as good as their jonathan ross performance......


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Message 26/28                 Date: 08-Aug-03  @  06:41 AM   -   RE: totp is dead!


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That was quite a rant k, but I agree totally with everything you said. Isn't it about time you started to think seriously about a DT label? With all the talent on this site?

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Message 27/28                 Date: 08-Aug-03  @  08:09 AM   -   RE: totp is dead!


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Doing it all ready


e support / paypal

sponsor an artist

shares in tune

bet on a hit

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Message 28/28                 Date: 12-Aug-03  @  12:09 AM   -   RE: totp is dead!



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Excellent points K, also the fact that most of us as kids used to tape stuff off the radio, those feckwits tried to stop us doing that too. Like when the MU tried to ban drum machines, what a chortle! The CJB and its "repetive beats" BS, but now the likes of Britney, Justin and Christina are doing essentially watered down version of "repetitive beats" its all good, and those same tossers are prolly buying their kids the CDS, dolls, sticker albums, DVDs, Ketchup, Duvet covers etc. What a gas.

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