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Subject: useless website

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:56 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  02:57 AM   -   useless website


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Message 11/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: useless website



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case in point....the FOREMOST experts in america AND england....those we call scientists and those who've been studying this shit for decades.....with the most sophisticated means and methods available...have all been warning of this impending threat......
and yet you roughley wants to call them anti-human-activity-doomsayers???!?!

they disn't say stip eating or shitting or fucking or playing cricket......
they said our bigger larger and more abundant cars and vehicles are destroying our global human environment in which we ALL must live.
so to justify the needs of the insecure who must drive these fancy coaches so as to not appear as a bunch of illiterate materialist pawns (which they are).

even the top-analysts in the bush administration this year concluded that global warning posed a larger threat to global stability than did terrorism.
and yet we go quietly back to GET THA GIRLIE....
and pretty much aquashed that line of "doom-saying".

funny...thing (probably sad too)...however, is when england gets it's fair share...you've really got nowhere to even evacuate to.

and that's not to say DON"T enjoy life. no!...enjoy it!..certainly!...but just remember your arguments FOR every level of destructive human activity makes the party just a little shorter for the REST OF US.
thanks steve....very kind of you.

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Message 12/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:18 PM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  06:59 PM   -   RE: useless website

Steve Roughley

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Damn, I wasn't having a go at you, Clay. Having re-read my post I can see how it looks like I was. My apologies. However, I never said that what we do doesn't change things. All I was pointing out is that we are a product of nature and that’s it. That’s all I said (though, I admit the doomsayer part could easily be read to suggest otherwise).

I wouldn't worry about me causing huge amounts of damage either Clay. I haven't owned, or even driven, a car in years, I don't use any nasty chemicals (I mean household chemicals here :P), I don't litter, etc, etc. I've always been genuinely neurotic about these things. But, this doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else. Which is kind of related to my next point. I feel that you cannot truly blame people for the changes that we have caused to the world (you can do something about them, though, if you wish...). Yes, we can make choices, and so can most other animals (and they're natural, aren't they?). Yes, we do have the benefit of being able to make use of more scientific information when making these choices. However our free will is still limited by our upbringing, education, environment and ultimately our own drives. I see people who feel it is our duty to maintain a state-of-earth as if we were never even here and I see people who just say I don’t give a stuff about the earth; I want power. To me, the former seems rather neurotic and warped, and the latter, proof that we are animals. And you can’t deny that we are. I’m cold and hungry and I’ve completely forgotten what I was going to say next. But basically, you can’t be surprised by the way we behave. You can say that people could behave differently, but they don’t. You could say that blue is pink, but it isn’t. Everything is as it is for how else could it be.

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Message 13/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:33 PM   -   RE: useless website


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i found it pretty soothing

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Message 14/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:38 PM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  06:40 PM   -   RE: useless website

SignalRunners - BLU

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from a pointless innocent blank page topic, to anti-human, global polution/economy and terrorism etc in under 5 posts!

DT at its finest!

Now, all we need is a Bush slur thrown in and this thing is SET!

Great job!!!!

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Message 15/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:49 PM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  06:49 PM   -   RE: useless website

Steve Roughley

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Just doin our jobs

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Message 16/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:51 PM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  07:05 PM   -   RE: useless website

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Oh. Just realised I was a latecomer. Hope this doesn't affect my benefits.

Also, xoxos when you mention the point about: "if you're going to argue that ARTificial = natural". The fact that man believes that his work is not natural is exactly what I am talking about. Its an almost paradoxical line of thought. Our distinction between the natural and the artificial is purely functional in my view and definitely not absolute. We use it to difine what we directly changed and that does not remove us from nature.

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Message 17/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:59 PM   -   RE: useless website



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well...blu...the pointless innocent blank was fun for a few hours...i have to admit.

but yes..steve...for some reason i thought i'd gathered in you a sensitivity which suggested conscience-bearing...and even data suggesting non-motorized vehicularity.
and yes...i'm conviced all life has no choice but to impose it's essence on the void.
i know my very being creates it's own specific level of destruction. for me to live...i have to work....for me to work i have to drive to people's houses who have money to pay me to improve their houses....and for this i require a trck to get me and all my goodies there and back.
every tree and monkey and aphid takes it's place and leaves it's mark.
i'm no different.
we all have our part to play.
and in that equation we all live and die....hopefully having experienced some joy during the process.
if i thought life was all misery it wouldn't even be worth arguing these silly issues because it wouldn't be worth doing so.
somehow, i'm often deluded with a notion that those we bring into this world might also enjoy a quality of life we may have, ourselves, briefly tasted.

my suggestions become merely an effort to enrichen our ability to enjoin in these pursuits without burning down the house any quicker than we need to.
i was arguing with the argument/statement more than i was with you.
i am always sorry later when i let things get needlessly personal but we are truly living persons and...
attached to our sense of beliefs in what is often an emotional manner.

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Message 18/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  07:03 PM   -   RE: useless website



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benefits intact.....but membership suggests occasional participation.

good to see it.

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Message 19/75                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: useless website


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what you (addressing all civilised memes here) ought is to get some perspective!

go to the white mountain apache reservation and witness nomadic humans. they're not "trying to make-do with a considerate lifestyle" living in western houses eating food from the grocery (well, not all of them) they're living in temporary shadehouses called wikiups that do for the season.

w/o having an example, how realistic does this lifestyle sound? half the time i open my mouth, people say i've spent too much time watching movies! but they live!

as to the artificial vs. natural, as i said, if you don't discern, there's no point in me talking. it's a truth, as are many other things, and again, it's true that if you go around suggesting this, the natural inclination is to see this as a good reason not to worry about following destructive cultural patterns.

you know? i mean i could go on about trancendental states of being, but to someone who's just got a pick-axe thru their leg, it might be bloody true, they're not bloody interested in hearing it, because it doesn't do a lot of bloody good to talk about it right then. it confuses discretion.

discretion, as crap as it may be to cosmic truth and absolute states of definition, is real handy for living creatures not making the world crappy.

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Message 20/75                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: useless website


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