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Subject: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:14 AM     Edit: 01-Apr-04  |  11:16 AM   -   um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Message 11/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

cydonia cell


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I don't know about this poor misguided artist getting taken by the label business. yeah, record companies are evil... the pop music machine is systematicaly wrecking our culture wah, wah, wah!

But, the artisits on these labels signed the contract. They gave up their tracks, and let the label have all their money on the premise that one day the small percentage of profit they earn coupled with the coonsiderable profits on t-shirts, live appearances, etc would elevate them to rock star status. It's the friggin' artist's fault they bought the bullshit fantasy of rock n' roll. In my view, that's a decision... a willingness to be a part of it.


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Message 12/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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yes agreed P - companies want to openup new markets for sales and the sad fact is, RIFE commercial bootlegging is going on in places like Malaysia where you can buy bootlegged lazer-graphic'd cd's in the shops and markets for music, movies & s/w - , you have like an entire continent living on bootlegs which of course, they cant police without severe political implications.

As for lacking sales HERE in the west

i seem to remember back in the mid 90's the labels sacked ALL their lesser acts... There was mass sackings across the board of bands which WERE selling albums, and drawing concert crowds in reasonable sized venues etc... all were sacked. Now this was before file-sharing became an issue. So wassup with that!?

at the same time, companies in Uk issued an edict that they were not going to sign any bands aged over 25, and this happened as also radio-1 swept out it's closet, banning airplay of 'older' bands (including huge sellers like Elton John etc)

radio-1 (the main BBC UK radio station) lost all it's listeners overnight as one consequence. Sure, yes radio-1 is a great channel for the evening/night weekend, but daytime mass-figures slumped and have never recovered.

perhaps these steps taken were detrimental?... perhaps companies carved off a large chunk of their PAYING market, only to find a few years later that their newly targetted 'teen market only' was going to d/load instead as it had other competing goods vying for their pocket money, like cellphone cards

cellphone cards are MUCH more imprtant socialy to youngsters now that music... you are completely socialy cut-off without your phone, whereas no-ones going to complain if you dont have the latest CD's

cellphone credit sales to kids also have caused a huge slump in the 'sweets & candies' market apparently so I heard in the financial columns.

also, Garage music is banned in UK which is the main music kids like 'en-masse'... this no doubt accounts for lack of sales to this market cos acts are banned from main radio stations, TV and all charts, so kids instead get by on a diet of local-radio-taped music

in alot of european cities now people go round bars flogging bootlegged CD's and DVD's... again, it's easy to get 'ready-bootlegged' music for all the main commercial acts ONLY, so that takes a chunk out of their market.

I think we just have to face facts that

1. record/media/film companies cannot claim they alone are exempt from the global depression which has affected ALL other industries.

2. trends in product desirability have changed in the 'yoof' market



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 13/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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I don't dispute the principal that people who don't pay for music shouldn't listen to it.. But what I am saying is you can't turn around and use these numbers as directly equating to sales loss. If these people didn't buy music to begin with, they are not a lost sale - had the mp3 and the internet never been invented they'd have just lived their life without the music entirely. The entire file-swapping argument is made up of half-truths like this.


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Message 14/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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"people who don't pay for music shouldn't listen to it"

what sort of ing bizarre principal is that?

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Message 15/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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of course the riaa's arguments are only half true.
it's like saying bush is good...saddam bad....when they both suck.

another reason for slumps in sales has to be the fact that 1-in-5 kids saves a lot of their music-money to purchase programs like reason or fruity/acid because they're starting to understand the joys of simply doing one's own music.
no one can trust the judgment of stupid labels and even stupider radio anymore...much-less want to pay for it.

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Message 16/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  05:26 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

cydonia cell


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"1-in-5 kids saves a lot of their music-money to purchase programs like reason or fruity/acid"

not sure about 1 in 5 but I get your point. Thing is... I suspect (based on the handful of adults I know who do this sh+t) that the same kids who file share licensed music are making their "tek-no" on cracked vs's of Reason/Acid, et al....

The issue (for me) isn't whether you're paying for product, but whether you're respecting the developer of the product. Just cause it's too expensive, or not good enough to pay for, doesn't mean you should steal it!

Craig, I can agree with your notion 100%... Like the people who pirate cable television... would they pay for cable if they couldn't pirate? Or the kids who have no money, so they can't save up, but they make phenomenal tracks with cracked software... that's not lost money, 'cause they just plain CAN'T buy it. I'm not sure that makes it OK, but it certainly makes it far less contemptible.


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Message 17/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  07:19 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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That was the point I'm getting at. It doesn't make it acceptable by any stretch... If you want me to sign a petition that says "That's fucked up" I'll sign it. But you can't tell me that you lost x amount of money because y number of people who wouldn't have bought your product anyways have pirated it.

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Message 18/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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what makes me puke is you find for example this 'mantra' being used off hand in news reports and elsewhere

there was a report a few days ago on EMI shedding 1/5th of it's artists and sacking people to save money (brought an immeadiate jump in share price as well)

the guy reporting slipped in the old "due to internet downloading" line somewhere. It is pretty bad that such a subjective UNSTATISTICALY PROVED theory is now blown off in public on news channels re-enforcing the idea in the minds of the public that this is some huge evil 'stealing' thing going down

sad really.

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Message 19/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  12:47 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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... mariah carey payed off ... robbie williams given 80million ...

i gotta pick up this thing (again) that's been brought up about ppl who haven't paid for music shouldn't listen to it? sorry guys, can you explain again?

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Message 20/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Yeah I don't get it either. The day the words "music" and "business" were put
together was the day we lost our way. You can make absolute statements about
"right" and "wrong" in regards to "stealing" as long as you realize your sentiments
are borne from, and give credence to, an industry model created by humans to
generate wealth from creativity. If that's your thing, more power to ya, I suppose...
but personally I don't think it's right.

My music is free. [shrug]

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