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Subject: The fat star wars kid

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  03:20 PM   -   The fat star wars kid



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Remember the fat twat with the light sabre that caused so much discussion here on DT ??


What a twat.

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Message 11/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  09:50 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I know what you're saying Psy, but I have a very strong suspicion that this, like so many other occurnces of this sort, is not a one off event. There isn't a child strong enough to fend of this kind of shit when it starts. Even if it is a one off, this will teach those piss takers a lesson that they wont forget, which is an all too rare occurrence.


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Message 12/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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that last post wasn't me.

un dau tri pedwar pump chwech saith wyth naw deg.

and you're a coc oen, outside now, you's dead, cont.

(insert seemingly ironic threat of physical violence against an imagined internet assailant here)

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Message 13/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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prolly an ambulance chaser with some free time convinced him to a) see the shrink for a few months, b)whatever else in the article i havnt read and finally, c) sue.

who pays, - can you insure against that?

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Message 14/62                 Date: 29-Jul-03  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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Didnt it even cross his mind that when you film yourself being a complete idiot your mates are gonna distribute the film as much as possible. Who wouldnt ? He should be grateful his got mates anyway, being that fat.

It wouldnt suprise me if he asks for compensation in cakes and not money. Better phone Mr Kiplings factory now and get them working 24/7 in preparation.

Fat c*nt

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Message 15/62                 Date: 29-Jul-03  @  07:43 PM     Edit: 29-Jul-03  |  07:54 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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"these people need to grow a spine"

It is generally understood, even by the layperson, that one's spine and much of the rest of the body is not fully grown until several years beyond this lad's age. He is, as is also commonly understood by most laypersons, still a child and not fully grown physically or emotionally.

The term it takes a whole village to raise a child comes to mind even if it is a "global" village. It is the responsibility of adults to gauge where to draw the line in those moments when one must weigh the benefits of experience vs the benefits of intervention and withholding a given experience until the child's physical and/or emotional development is congruent with the experience. No one puts a twelve year old flag football player in to play tackle football (US stylee) with a senior who plays for the state champion high school team. I don't think I've ever said this before about any other subject I've ever posted on here but anyone who disagrees with this commonly understood idea of being cognizant and empathetic of a child's experiential development is wrong, way wrong. Period.

I'm not even a parent and I can understand this stuff. Developmental psychology isn't so esoteric that its unknown to laypeople. Most of it is common sense.

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Message 16/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  01:29 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Bollox that "child" is trying to profit financially from his public embarrassment end of story.

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Message 17/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  03:30 AM     Edit: 30-Jul-03  |  03:31 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Yes, I see your point. That awkward, overweight, kid did strike me as sinister and conniving.
His mates, innocent, kind-hearted, caring lads that they are, posted to the net in an attempt
to show the world how cool their best buddy is
in the hopes of getting him lots of dates once
he graduated out of grade school into middle school.

Perhaps some loser adult is trying to profit
from said child's experience. Its an idea. Hard to grasp for so many, I understand, but do try.

All things being equal, another hard idea to grasp - I know, I do hope that those who deserve it get to experience something as embarrasing in their adult life. Hmmm, actually, I can't think of much that a well adjusted ADULT who was
raised throughout their childhood by caring ADULTS can't handle. That includes acting like
an adult in such matters as this.

The idea that a group of people in their twenties and thirties could look at this kid derisively is boggling. I imagine some of you think his classmates who posted the clip are actually

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Message 18/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  05:19 AM     Edit: 30-Jul-03  |  07:27 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Mick you can take your patronising sarcasm and shove it up your arse sideways with nails,needles,and nettles on.

Children are horrible,nasty,vicious little shites to each other on a regular basis there's nothing to be done about it,you can't make kids be nice to each other,if they want to be nasty they'll simply be nasty out of sight and out of mind.It takes time before they learn what behaviour suits them best sometimes they find that being nasty gets the desired results and they become nasty adults.

The classmates that uploaded the video are the same age as Jedi kid they are children too,what they did was probably what the majority of adolescent boys would have done given the same opportunity.

In Europe we don't take people to court on the basis of schadefreude or hurty wurted feewings.That Jedi kid had stated on a radio interview a while ago that he really wasn't that bothered by the video he certainly doesn't think that way now it couldn't be anything to do with the money could it?.

He also has a lot of support from a lot of people on the web there are sites devoted to him


and here's some adults making knobs of themselves


There are a lot more embarrassing situations to be caught in he could have been caught having a wank with a screwed up face while watching a "horny hamsters" video now that would be embarrassing.If he's having problems with this how will he handle life?He needs to grow a hide because there are far more serious issues to deal with in life than embarrassment over mildly absurd light sabre gymnastics.

I think that in this case

'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Than to take lawyers against a few classmates,
And by a courtcase sue them.

Oh and I'm sure the $225000 Canadian dollars (although the money of course has nothing to do with the affair it's the principle after all)will be an excellently soothing salve to his state of emotional turmoil.

Obviously Mick your idea of common sense is very different from mine,or do you think that suing his classmates is an appropriate response?

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Message 19/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  11:33 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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personally if I was one of his mates that is in the firing line to be sued I'd beat the living crap out the fat bastard. I'm am gonna get sued may as well do a good job of emotionally scarring a fat kid.

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Message 20/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  02:25 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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yeah, isnt this a less serious version of those guys in jail in UK who get 'compensation' for testifying that someone abused them while in care as teenagers?

reliable motivation i'd say.

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