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Subject: influx....

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  05:04 PM   -   influx....

JJ Freqy

Posts: 90

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It seems that every post I read here on DT has you responding with something negative, unless it's about you of course. What's with the chip on your shoulder? Ppl ask questions on a forum, that's what it is for. If you don't want to answer their question -- THEN DON'T! Giving someone a bunch of negative bullsh*t isn't what they came to DT for.

Did you get molested as a child or did you miss a couple of doses of your daily antidepressant/antianxiety medication? If you don't take them, maybe you should look into it. You have some serious social communication problems?

Chill out, walk on the beach or something, it seems as if you're bomb waiting to explode. Stress is a killer there influx, prevention is better than a cure 

JJ Freqy

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Message 11/61                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  04:08 AM   -   RE: influx....



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influx was grumpy?.....one of the seven dwarfs?
i was always pictured someone a head taller than me.

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Message 12/61                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  05:51 AM   -   RE: influx....


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He's built like an elephant walrus,has Kilngon implants,and wears a pink tutu.

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Message 13/61                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  06:05 AM   -   RE: influx....



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that's not grumpy...that's happy!

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Message 14/61                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  07:13 AM   -   RE: influx....


Posts: 1345

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let me discord

"here it comes, nowhere to hide"

"nearly here, death from the skies"

am i off topic again ?

rock with me dude  

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Message 15/61                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  07:23 AM     Edit: 04-Sep-04  |  07:24 AM   -   RE: influx....


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does it qualifies as "presence" ?

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Message 16/61                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  03:41 PM   -   RE: influx....



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peering out from behind today's paper......yes.

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Message 17/61                 Date: 08-Sep-04  @  10:04 PM   -   RE: influx....


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i'll anounce my "presence" as i'm back from hollidays :P

wheres the fight in this thread?? this is the lounge forum innit.

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Message 18/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: influx....


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me personally...not much interest and very little concern for what some crybaby has to say

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Message 19/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  12:50 AM   -   RE: influx....

SignalRunners - BLU

Posts: 1011

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'now there goes someone calling me old again'

your still an junior round these parts mang, Im past the 5 year mark and still see myself as a young'un


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Message 20/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  10:03 AM   -   RE: influx....


Posts: 1128

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I think you're all a bunch of fools apart from Milan and Beds (K doesn't count cos he's the host). Constant one-up-manship on DT this year. No discussions of cutting edge music. Just who can "out-geek" each other when new bees ask questions. I am one of the greatest characters on DT beacuse I am contributing in all areas, eg new music discussions, Native Instrument bugs, music theory, plug-ins, etc and I am always willing to explain what I've learnt through time and money rather than keep productions secrets to myself. Bring back H from Steps. I am a worthwhile DT member, nah, nah, nah-nah, nah!

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