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Subject: sherman austin went to jail

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Original Message                 Date: 04-Sep-03  @  07:18 PM   -   sherman austin went to jail


Posts: 6231

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a real killer

sherman austin let other people on his server. one of these people posts info on making bombs (evidently drano bombs.. clorox, drano, 1/4 stick of dynamite.. chlorine gas bomb!) sherman austin goes to jail for one year beginning yesterday... again, he was just the guy with the server. the guy woh actually posted the data isn't being prosecuted.

you see, sherman is an 'example' the government wishes to set to discourage 'other young anarchists.' after the term is served, the probation prohibits sherman from associating with any group that wishes to change the government.

the message is clear. it is now forbidden to change the american government.

would somebody explain this word 'democracy' again? i'm having trouble with the last bit, that has a lot of the letters from 'crap'
in it.

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Message 11/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail



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Can't change the American Government xoxos?

If you live in America, you can vote can't you.

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Message 12/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  04:05 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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vote? youve got to be fcking kidding! sure you can vote! but it does NOTHING. not on the stuff that the power elite already have their minds set on

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Message 13/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  04:38 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail



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yeah...you can vote for george bush.

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Message 14/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  05:23 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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Xoxos - I'm not going to say what happened is right or wrong (because I don't really know all the details on this incident), but how do you know that this guy is just an innocent bystander?

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Message 15/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  09:11 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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any decent server host would have seen a recipe for a bomb on his server and deleted it / thus proving that he can distance himself from any potential crime....

only in America, land of the...err....something.

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Message 16/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail



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little blue things ? you know the things that go nee nee.

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Message 17/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  11:54 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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ahh, Mr Alexi Sayle, pure genuis

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Message 18/54                 Date: 07-Sep-03  @  01:50 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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Apparently you can be arrested and jailed for not buying the new Britney Spears CD single..

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Message 19/54                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  08:00 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail



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phew thats ok coz I got mine mail order thanks to being a member of her fan clu.... erm... I ... er.... ahem... oh look.. a nudey magazine..

*sound of fat bloke hurling himself out of window*

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Message 20/54                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  09:14 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


Posts: 240

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and rightly so!....what was all that kissing madonna crap all about? is it supposed to make us think that she's a doity slag and we should buy her records based on such a thing?

still, i wouldnt kick her out of bed

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