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Subject: Riot Squad in Action!

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  06:52 PM     Edit: 16-Sep-04  |  06:53 PM   -   Riot Squad in Action!

SignalRunners - BLU

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Anyone see the interview on the tv last nights news with the protesters against the hunting ban.

Snooty cunts the lot of them, i HATE violence, however,

I found it not entirely displeasureable to see the 40 something year old lady bubbling to the camreras with her head bleeding after being dealt a koshing from one of londons finest -

'This is outragous! I came here and got pushed to the ground by a horrible nasty bigpoliceman' (points to head bleeding   ) ' I have human rights you know, they acted despicably, i was acting innocently and doing nothing wrong! '

OH YEAH? Human rights? Could have been worse , could have had 40 of your dogs chasing ya, you snotty fat cunt!!

'mon the foxes!

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Message 11/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  12:45 PM     Edit: 17-Sep-04  |  12:46 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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Hunting has virtually no effect on the fox population. This is an entirely spurious excuse to justify the nobs bloodlust. Why can't they just admit they enjoy causing suffering

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Message 12/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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Bol Toper - we can go round in circles all day. Here's a link that says hunting does control the fox population.


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Message 13/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:19 PM     Edit: 17-Sep-04  |  01:20 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

SignalRunners - BLU

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yeah Dominic, I live in Scotland remember- outside Glasgow and Edinburgh its one big huge countryside! heheh

like I said, culling & killing for thrills is 2 completely different things no matter how you dress it up

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Message 14/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

SignalRunners - BLU

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btw- that link , i dunno- the guy who made page called 'foxman' and asks for action-

By all who support Hunting directly.
BY all who support our Rural Culture as set out in the RURAL AGENDA . Hunting is an essential part of this culture; so supporters of it please join the campaign to Repeal a Hunting Ban.

sounds like another ra ra (havent read thru it completely)

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Message 15/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:47 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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True. Agreed. I'm not sure whether or not we're including GameKeeping here aswell cos apperently that culls 150,000 foxes a year! And you know their calling it GameKeeping but really it means hunting but without the horses. Probably a couple of dogs per GameKeeper eg a labradour and a fox terrier. Same thing I think.

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Message 16/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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Sorry Dominic but the figures just don't add up. There are about 250 hunts and they meet about 65 times a year. If they killed a fox every time (which they don't) that would still be less than 20,000 foxes. Out of a population of 250,000. That is not going to control the population significantly.
I'm not an animal rights zealot and I think there are far more important issues, (like the one Sitar just mentioned) but I don't like people indulging in deliberate cruelty for fun and making excuses for it. And is nice to see the toffs getting a bashing for a change.


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Message 17/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:17 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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Deano, as said - agreed on the hunting with horses figures but I thought we were including what's termed as GameKeeping in this aswell. Basically hunting but withot horses. This "form" of hunting kills 150,000 a year.

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Message 18/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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so you guys have nothing against killing foxes, just against people making a ceremony/ritual out of it?

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Message 19/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:41 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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The ban is on hunting with hounds. I assume that gamekeepers shooting foxes is excluded from this. The rights and wrongs of this are debatable but there is at least an economic justification for it. The objection to the ban on hunting with hounds on any grounds other than "cultural" seems spurious to me. They come up with arguments about the rural economy and pest control but none of them really make sense.


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Message 20/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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I know the ban is concerned with hunting with hounds but I thought we were debating the effectiveness of controlling the fox population through hunting. With or without hounds. Sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick.


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