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Subject: lets loose cars

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Original Message                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  09:20 AM   -   lets loose cars


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how to move away from the brink

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Message 11/45                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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losing, babe, losing. And I feel ya...

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Message 12/45                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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i come from the future ^

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Message 13/45                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  07:43 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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I'm in California... the newest population center on Earth. The vast majority of California was unsettled or small community when the car was invented. And this state, moreso than any place I've been on earth is built around the car! We NEED motorized transit here...

Why? Because communities are built for it!!! they were designed with the car in mind. I'm fortunately to live in the downtown urban environment of my community... this means most of what's around me was built before the car, and therefore i have little need for one. But most people in my culture MUST drive to work, MUST drive to anything... Endless winding roads lead out to fields of oversized houses... with no services or shopping for miles... no outlet for food.

It's a serious design flaw... I know it's all over like this, but it's glaring here... we have 3 cities in the top 10 poluters in the US... which is the top poluter in the world.


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Message 14/45                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  07:47 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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build more shops and services. sim city anyone?

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Message 15/45                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  08:10 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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that would require destroying housing... you see, the housing neighborhoods are usualy walled in, and have only a couple of exits... literaly 2 or 3 miles of road can be contained in a small space. And it must be driven to get out of the cdevelopment... this isn't just in California, it's a popular of designing communities all over the industrialized world. it's just that, in older communities these ideas had to be paired with existing roads and buildings etc... in California, it's ALL like this.

I'm not suggesting that i think we NEED cars, I'm saying that these stupid bastards screwed it up HUGE! And people will not go without cars now!

It's why, I think, SUV's are so popular. People think they need a vehicle comfortable enough to trek themselves and their kids out of the planned community and down to the pizza shop/bookstore/live entertainment venue!

It's rampant, and Im afraid, it's probably too late to go back!


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Message 16/45                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  08:42 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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destroying housing?

the people who run the shop on the corner of my street live in the same building. it's all about those boring town planners. things can change.

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Message 17/45                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  09:30 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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LOL... yeah, i'd love to be there when you explained to my girlfriends parents that their neighbor was opening a pub... or a local market... etc...

I'm being pessimistic, I know!!! But man, it's rampant... they don't WANT to give it up, and the changes required would be WAY too invasive for most folks...

I 'm not usualy so pessimistic about this shit! Sorry... must be a mood.


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Message 18/45                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars



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why don't they just burn California to the ground and start again then?

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Message 19/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  12:01 AM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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not a bad idea, Steve

but I'm sayin' the problem is the same everywhere. it's just PERSONIFIED here... I mean, all communities have these little developed bullshit mini-communities in them, right?

And folks are soooooooo ADDICTED to this idea of what is pleasant, of what means they have arrived at this illusory goal! And their cars are a part of that! Their vehicles FACILITATE this arrival. They get in them and drive drive drive to their desires, their fears, their hopes... cars/trucks get us to where we're going... and where we're going is so fucked up that we refuse to look twice at it.

The goal has becaome the vehicle, a perverted form of, "It's not the destination but the trip!"... but with always the subconscious destination in mind... gotta get there!!! Safely!!! And FAST... when all "THERE" is is anywhere but... HERE!!!


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Message 20/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  12:27 AM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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okay.............going into stupid american consumerist mode here but..............

I love driving.......it's one of my most favorite things to do in the world. Take my shoes off (i know it's illegal), climb into my car, and just go. There's nothing like rolling down the windows, turning on the stereo and just going nowhere, for nowhere's sake. Whether it be a short survey of the city, a meandering stroll through the countryside, or speeding down the left lane of a 5 lane highway. I am just selfish I guess, but unfortunately, I cannot give up this luxury.


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