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Subject: Divide and rule

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Nov-04  @  04:56 PM   -   Divide and rule


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And then legislation will allow it

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Message 11/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  02:03 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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mildly amusing.

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Message 12/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  02:11 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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In a world of shite, even mildly amusing is better than enraging and disheartening, isn't it?

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Message 13/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  02:19 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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That was merely my feeble attempt at litotes.

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Message 14/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  02:44 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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george carlin is a badass

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Message 15/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  02:54 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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pongoid do you have access to that in hi quality?

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Message 16/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  03:41 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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I don't I'm afraid. That's as good as it gets for the moment. Sorry.

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Message 17/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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no need to apologize whatsoever. Id never heard that one. Even at 64k it sounds aight.

thats some ripe sample material there. soon as I settle in my new place (Bend, Oregon) Im gonna dive back in and focus on writing more, but this time with a focus on a political slant.

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Message 18/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  05:44 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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Ah. MCC... you're so bright the way you turned that around... (good natured , man, I'm not bashing you)


middle way isn't generic, or simple... it's relativistic and reasoned. I'm not talking about centrism,

I'm referring to something that is often radical... because humans tend too often to put issues, ideas and notions into their little identity bags and then carry them around like they're irrefutable. this middle thing I'm referring tok says that maybe in each instance one must think and reason and weigh potential outcomes before deciding for or against...

and that in the next instance the same issue might get a different verdict. It requires humans to be AWARE! and, um, celebrates contradiction.

had a punk EVER thought so much, they just might have thought positively about that kind of thing. well, i was a punk and I did, when i got around to it.

Oh man!!! Brotha Carlin speakin' it... thanks for that Ape... that's good stuff.

Influx? BEND? what, did a relative give you a house there, man?


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Message 19/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  06:06 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule



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e>>>>>.middle way isn't generic, or simple... it's relativistic and reasoned. I'm not talking about centrism,

I'm referring to something that is often radical.

*me too.....e>
we're talking about balance.

and personally.....i love a preacher who don't-mind-at-all
spending some time with the converted....(as long as he realizes we're converted).
it's good practice...if nothin else.
besides.....it's always warmer 'round the fire.

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Message 20/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  06:21 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


Posts: 2003

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Bend? Wtf? What are you gonna do up there? Make music undisturbed by drama and silliness of LAla land. THAT's cool. But why Bend?


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