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Subject: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  07:47 PM   -   Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You


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The Next GOVERNOR of the Broken State of California

Yes, it's true... I am taking this internet opportunity to announce my intention to seek the office of Governor in the State of California.

I'm not afraid of big money opportunists with hidden agendas and an air of moral superiority. I intend to shine a beacon (well, a candle maybe) on the corruption and lies and special interest BULLSHIT in this great land!

Let's face it kids... California is an awesome state, filled with beautiful lands and semi sedated people. All of which deserve a governor who shares their hopes, their dreams and their desire for gross consumption without personal responsibility. In short they deserve a man like Gray Davis, but since they can't have that weak kneed pillow biter, they might as well have, ME! Because let's face it kids, this state will just not be able to chill properly with a Republican Governor (did we learn nothing during the stressed out 80's and 90's!)

So here's the rub... I need $3500 to file my intent for election. And I need it fast!!! This is not a hoax... I'm serious (well, at least about my intention to run). But I can't do it without loyal supporters who are willing to cough up a few bucks.

So, I'm asking you to be brave and dare to dream of a powerful, wealthy land Governed by an extremely unlikely liberal hippy type who meditates and produces techno music! Dare to believe that in this great land, even a snide, sarcastic SLACKER can ascend to an unenviable position of responsibility by just being who he is and telling it straight!

I promise, if I can't raise the $3500 in time, I will return all moneys to all contributors. But if I can? well, look out Caifornia...

We're in this SHIT together my friends! I know you believe in me!


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Message 11/24                 Date: 26-Jul-03  @  09:24 AM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You


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Can I be ambassador, we'll discuss international policies on ending this damn war-on-drugs.  ?

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Message 12/24                 Date: 26-Jul-03  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You


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IMO thats one of the FIRST agendas. use the money to teach people the real dangers of drug use (and lack thereof in some instances)

then we move on to homelessness

and the general lack of courtesy in modern times 

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Message 13/24                 Date: 26-Jul-03  @  11:32 AM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You



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well, didn't Jello Biafra almost do it once? - he came second didn't he?

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Message 14/24                 Date: 26-Jul-03  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You



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Jello ran for Mayor of Oakland, and came in second, yeah.

We joked about all the things we'd do if we WON! (Which won't happen, to be sure... they'd kill me first, definately). But the best suggestion I heard was to refuse to show up on principal. Send out a press release announcing that no governor's better than me for governor, and DARE THEM to recall me...

My Platform:

Legalize Drugs (and tax them, use the revenues to point out the hazards of drug use... and encourage responsible users).

Sue the energy producers of Texas and the Federal government for the blatant price fixing in the summer of 2000 in civil court. Demand 4 billion!

Develop a commision to look intelligently at the feasibility of California becoming a nation and leaving the Union. We're a generator state. (Which means we pay more to the federal government than we get back. One of only two states in the US with that distinction!)

There's ton's more I could offer, but lets face it... there's no reason. The campaign would be more about the busted up system in our state that allows for a recall of our current governor 1 year before he terms out because people just don't like their lives right now and they want to blame him. It's about how woefully uninformed people are in modern democracy's like ours... and how, without the ability to make informed electoral decisions we LOOSE or rights as democratic citizens!


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Message 15/24                 Date: 26-Jul-03  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You


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secession? wow

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Message 16/24                 Date: 27-Jul-03  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You


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Can I be Cali's ambassador to some foreign place like Georgia?

So, if you succeed and secede does that mean that my moving there will be an act of defection from the US?

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Message 17/24                 Date: 27-Jul-03  @  04:26 AM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You



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give em hell harry>

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Message 18/24                 Date: 27-Jul-03  @  12:54 PM     Edit: 27-Jul-03  |  12:55 PM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You


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pot legalization? yes.

secession? where the hell did that come from?

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Message 19/24                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  02:03 AM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You


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you've got competition e

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Message 20/24                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: Ladies and Gentlemen I Give You



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didn't I say...

I quit when Larry Flynt joined the race... This election doesn't need me to mock it... it's doing a fine job of mocking itself...


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