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Subject: Basic set up

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Original Message 1/2                 Date: 13-Apr-06  @  05:15 PM   -   Basic set up

rob the 303 man

Posts: 82

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I also wondered how to have my MPC in the "studio" in reality I have the MPC plus a computer with a couple of VSTi's I cant afford to get any hardware so I am more than happy with what ive got. would you suggest that I use the MPC as the slave? if so can I still use the onboard sequencer on the mpc to make beats and then the computer to do the rest?
or would that disable the sequencer?

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Message 2/2                 Date: 13-Apr-06  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Basic set up


Posts: 4573

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File?:  No file

what's your audio interface? what's your midi interface? how are you monitoring everything? through a mixer or through the computer? (i.e. what is connected to your speakers?)

answer these questions and i'll tell you how I'd do it.

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