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Subject: When eBayers go bad

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  06:11 PM   -   When eBayers go bad


Posts: 39

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I've just had my eBay account suspended for supposedly having a non-working or invalid email address. Actually there's nothing wrong with it, it's working fine, but they (eBay) have decided that it's not and that I'm in violation of their site policies. They ended the auctions I had running on there, and I'm prohibited from using the site at all, including registering a new account.

I decided to appeal against this decision, so they sent me an appeal form. Christ almighty! If you could see the palava you've got to go through to try and get reinstated. They treat you as some kind of criminal who's guilty, until or unless you can prove yourself innocent. I'm supposed to provide official documents to prove my identity, and then they'll make a decision based on the evidence - wtf! I can't even email them to defend myself, because as a suspended member I'm unable to sign in, yet they told me to contact support with any questions I might have, which I'm to do through the official form on the site, it's pathetic.

They sent me a one size fits all form, which lumps me in with child pornographers, shill bidders, frauds and cheats, which frankly I found offensive. So I've told them they can shove their appeal, and I've gone back to the site and re-registered with a new username. I might go and register with some more names yet as well, because I don't care. I can't sell on there anymore because I've only got one credit card, and that's blocked, but if they're going to treat their members with that kind of contempt, then they must expect their members to treat eBay with contempt.

EBay is a corporate monster, and it needs slaying. They're behaving like a dictator.

But the reason I've posted this here is because I wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience with them?

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Message 11/19                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  09:26 AM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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stop Fucking complaining, you'll all still use it to sell your crap like everyone else does, its just another corporate giant that the yanks will force into demise cos your stupid law suits seem to Fuck companies for millions, just shut up and get on with it you Cunts

*running and hiding*

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Message 12/19                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  02:02 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad



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not as busy, but if you're in the uk then you can use www.ebid.co.uk who don't charge any fees whatsoever and isn't anything like as dodgy as the old yahoo auctions (aka the market one of the online auction world).

and instead of paypal there's eggpay - http://new.egg.com/visitor/0,,3_45806--View_771,00.html - you can only send/receive upto £200, but they don't charge any fees, the money clears in your bank within a coupe of days and on top of that they even pay you interest annually on all the money you've had in the eggpay account (even if you've withdrawn it to your normal account).

so yeah, fcuk em. I'm still trying to get my money back of some tosser on ebay.

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Message 13/19                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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Thanks for telling me about eBid Steve. I wasn't even aware of them.

Just got an email from eBay today, they're now claiming that all I've got to do is email them with a new email address annd I'll be reinstated.

They still claim my email address is invalid, even though I received their ing email which was sent to the same address as I've got registered with the s.

I'm beginning to think the ing business is run by morons.

Anyway, it's gone beyond that now, I'm so ing angry at the way they can treat people, that I'm not prepared to just accept what they say and change my email address.

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Message 14/19                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  07:37 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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ebay def = morons at the lower levels

sadly. spot is right. even tho he can fuck off with his presentation

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Message 15/19                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  09:02 AM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


Posts: 240

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presentation? i gave no presentation, if you want i could send over a MS powerpoint file outlining the pro's and cons of Ebay?

(putting hand over mouth and whispering *twat*)

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Message 16/19                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad



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ironic eh.... private industry was hailed as great cos it offered 'choice' and would regulate & maintain it's own higher-standards of performance by customer power, but capitalism being what it is, we now are back to prety much the equivilent of state owned monopolies with no choice again, due to lack of competition the big companies just do what they want now, and it doesnt work really.

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Message 17/19                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  11:17 AM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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agreed k but socialism was fn poor in a western consumerism way (waiting 26 years for a phone, 3-6 years for a car) BUT if consumerism IS bad then they were doing everyone a favour.

About complaining its the Who again, "just the same as the old boss",

Still waiting for the penny to drop about unlimited market growth and massive US debt...

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Message 18/19                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  01:02 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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What socialism we've never had real socialism.

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Message 19/19                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  01:23 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


Posts: 673

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OK, ignoring the people it wasn!t bad  

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