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Subject: groovetech closes!!!

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Original Message                 Date: 05-Oct-03  @  12:25 PM   -   groovetech closes!!!


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^^see link.

the rest is my comment from another forum where i found out about it:

my f***ing god! i'm amazed... it aint about "heard a lot of good sets there", its about the biggest ever dance music streaming network dissapearing straight off the face of the earth. i couldnt even open the website jus now, its vanished!

jesus... you know haw many hundreds of hours of quality sets they had in their erchive? remember DEMF archives from 3-4 years ago? well there wont be another website where you'll be able to see anything even remotely simmilar to that in years to come i'm afraid.

and also, this is nothing to do with music piracy or anything like that. its another case of investing millions of dollars into a project which seems (and is) a good idea, but without any idea how to exploit it financially and make the money back. (not to mention the hugely overblown stock market value, probably. i dont know what IMM does but £106million aint little for an online venture).


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Message 11/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  01:06 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!


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Muzik was crap and lived off the fashion-following "clubbers" and not real fans of the music (at least i think so).

Hooj released a ton of horrible music to feed those same masses (yes they had some classics, but thats totaly besides the point in this conversation).

Groovetech's father company never had a plan how to exploit it financially in the first place (online record store to cover all that? come on! there's a gazillion of them out there, plus whats wrong with the local indy store in the first place?)

the others i dont know, but i'm sure they fit in there somewhere.

know what i mean? look at techno for example. the *proper* techno, not that club shit. those guys are so deep underground that you wouldnt know where to find them in the first place, but they have their labels, distribution, clubs, dj's, punters, and they are all working for their scene. look at DnB also... very vibrant scene right now, tho you probably wouldnt think so (no, not you specifically, but anyone who doesnt care about this shit). look at breaks, look at a hundred other subgenres...

all of them are just as big as their punters will let them become. they are not overblown/headline making/huge cash machines the commercial "club" scene was. do you now know what i mean?

or were you just talking about large commercial success in the first place?

well in that case... hey look! theres britney, just over there --->


regards, m.

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Message 12/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  01:40 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!


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well, groovetech was apparently valued at 78 million - now c'mon - a site selling online vinyl is going to ever be worth 78 million? - overvaluation perhaps?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 13/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!


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Message 14/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!



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yea D&B is a wicked scene cos the people running it are dedicated and love the music. Deep techno is just the same. But house (what I like ) is different. Someone said on here the other week that Radio One were are killing house music with their dinasour "house" DJ's. I agree, who cares about Pete Tong and Judge Jules, I agree that its a FUCKING EMBARASSMENT!!!! Some of my mates laugh when I say I still love house cos they only hear house that is played on radio one and its always almost trance or prog tinged house. I mean Judge Fucking Jules?!?!?! What are they thinking. All the other "dance music" shows on Radio one are presented by DJ/s/producers who are passonate about the scene. There is some wicked deep/tech house beeing released at the moment but you never hear it on the radio one shows. Whereas on the d&b radio one shows, they play all th eunderground stuff. Same with the chillout/leftfield stuff and the breaks show. House music is the "uncoolest" dance gene at the moment.

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Message 15/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  03:23 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!


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ee-yup! i know exctly where you're coming from mate... but thats hat happens when the scene outgrows its own hype. house music *is* the most commercialized/bastardised one of the bunch, and certain strains have been exploited to hell and back in order to provide That-Same-Ibiza-Feeling-For-All-Your-Clubbing-Needs-Each-And-Every-Time(now even better than the last remix)(R)(C)(tm), but i dont think its going to die just because of judge f'in jules. fuck it, it probably should die so you'll end up with a nice, healthy, 'underground' scene once again, as it was and as it should be. dont sweat it i say. i heard some kickass deep house lately, and it wasnt on a compilation cd either.

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Message 16/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  04:12 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!



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they still do the page 3 thing ,funny.

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Message 17/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!


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Jesus, how many time will this same discussion show up on DanceTech? It's getting maddening.

Truthsayer, your generalizations are clouding your truths...

it's been said... It's all out there! Oh SHIT, Oh me Oh my... those producers we all bag on and can't stand becasue their music is weak "cross-over" accessible crap can't keep making millions... and people who opened businesses to make MILLIONS from a scene who's main appeal was the UNDERGROUND are having to close up shop! Imagine that...

Come on... electronic music now is stronger than it was 10 years ago... so it apexed, so what? So you're not going to make a million dollars? So what? So we're back to making music that is loved by a smaller group of people who know! GOOD!!!

Over the last couple of years I've noticed the big guys steppin' down as they play out! But you know what I've noticed more? I'm still getting payed for gigs... and you know, it's been some time now since a 15 year old betty in rainbow pajamas called me a DJ! that's a good thing!


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Message 18/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!

Steve Roughley

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Aaarrrgghh! I can't believe Fire folded! Do you mean Cass Cutbush's label? When did that happen?


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Message 19/19                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  09:37 PM   -   RE: groovetech closes!!!


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pete tong helped many artistes along the way, as did and so does judge jules,plus he produces on many fine "dance" tracks.... stop being so Fucking "trendy" you narrow minded twat....jeezuz, i bet you drive a vauxhall Nova and wear a burberry cap

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