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Subject: the opposite of deep...

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Jun-03  @  06:15 PM   -   the opposite of deep...

bud the wiser


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In the english language, what is the opposite of deep?

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Message 11/18                 Date: 19-Jun-03  @  05:56 PM   -   RE: the opposite of deep...



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baby's recognize self through contrast with their parents. They begin to see themselves as seperate from mama because mama sees herself as seperate from them...

Dichotomy, dualism, rot!

But, the babe is born with a need for action, the damage is done at conception... and the stumble and bump of life should come as no surprise when viewed form that angle... eh?


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Message 12/18                 Date: 19-Jun-03  @  06:04 PM   -   RE: the opposite of deep...

bud the wiser


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true or false?

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Message 13/18                 Date: 19-Jun-03  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: the opposite of deep...


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e you may be right but my point is about the reflection being required to point out self. The rest of the importance of reflection as an end of a continuum and the opposites (love/hate, happy/sad etc etc) as being a continuum in the same context. Shallow has no meaning, or begins to give information about the commenter rather than the subject

Guin the ness, its gorge, sorry no points

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Message 14/18                 Date: 19-Jun-03  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: the opposite of deep...



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opposite of deep is hard.

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Message 15/18                 Date: 20-Jun-03  @  02:46 AM   -   RE: the opposite of deep...


Posts: 7627

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deeper deeper harder harder

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Message 16/18                 Date: 20-Jun-03  @  04:45 AM   -   RE: the opposite of deep...


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Message 17/18                 Date: 20-Jun-03  @  08:35 AM   -   RE: the opposite of deep...



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"and it can fool you into thinking that what's shallow is deep. I know a guy that broke his spine that way! "

me too errata... It couldn't be the same guy could it?... he was a keyboard player?

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Message 18/18                 Date: 21-Jun-03  @  05:28 PM   -   Well the nail just hit the head!



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GW Bush, a bill has been pushed through congress allowing people or companies to "donate" larger funds for electorate running. No suprize then that Dubya's office has been given a huge wad of cash just recently.

I mean isn't this all good for the people, this ofcourse is the necessary for US America, Companies need my voting power, we should all aspire to be like a CEO!!! Poeple understand a person wearing a white collar is not a Militant!

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