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Subject: those crazy Yanks are at it again!

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  07:53 PM   -   those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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did you see the news about that looney judge and his granite '10 commandments' statue... lol!

bunch of loopy religious zealots!

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Message 11/17                 Date: 28-Aug-03  @  11:44 AM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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more Fundamentalist tomfoolery there... ^^^


well we have the same in UK... That little girl was killed by those religious nuts down at the 'temple' in the Elephant & Castle in London. Well, basicaly they dragged her out each week in front of the congregation, each week looking more emaciated and more damaged and no-one did jack-shit about it. Same crap, they thought she had some 'evil spirit' in her, and the coroners report found fag burns etc & various other damage on her body, plus they starved her.

I dunno... it's sick... and it's always when you check it some loopy church name like 'The Church of the Born again Seraphim Witchfinders' or some such crap.

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Message 12/17                 Date: 28-Aug-03  @  12:20 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!


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nex time you come accross one such building, simply petrol bomb it, prefrebly with its occupants still inside

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Message 13/17                 Date: 28-Aug-03  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!


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That's monstrous about that poor little girl. It's horrifying to think things like that happen to children.

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Message 14/17                 Date: 28-Aug-03  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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Yeah, "nuts" huh.

Just try removing ANYTHING in a muslim country...ohh, and call them "nuts" and "loopy" too. They'd smear your tiny arse all over the pavement.

Kilo, you one way bellend

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Message 15/17                 Date: 28-Aug-03  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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and yes...we want to be like those muslim countries.

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Message 16/17                 Date: 28-Aug-03  @  03:57 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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Years ago I emptied my wank tanks over a photo of jesus. If ever any religious nuts ring my doorbell and try preaching gods word to me I simply pull out the photo and say "thats my harry, I wanked over jesus because his a c*nt and takes it up the rusty, dry."

That usually gets rid of them.

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Message 17/17                 Date: 29-Aug-03  @  09:12 AM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!


Posts: 240

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whooze the Cunt above advising us that removing anything from a muslim country will result in our arses being smeared across the pavement....heh, yeah thats the muslim mentality...

I'm with jock, Bollocks to all this religious Shit, all it ever does is start wars....and why? cos people are too Fucking weak minded to make a decesion by themselves and have to rely on some "god" with no proof other than old books to prove that he actually existed....you Cunt

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