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Subject: if joni mitchell played UT...

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Aug-03  @  11:07 PM     Edit: 12-Aug-03  |  11:09 PM   -   if joni mitchell played UT...


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this is what she might have written:

-Both Flags Now-

Frags and flags through small crosshairs

And rocket jumping through the air

And bots that camp without a care

I've played UT that way

But lag now spoils all my fun

I get fragged by most everyone

So many maps I would've won

But lag got in my way.

I've looked at flags from both sides now

from D and O

And still somehow

It's all those headshots I recall

I really don't cap flaaaaaaaaags

at all.

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Message 11/17                 Date: 13-Aug-03  @  12:33 PM   -   RE: if joni mitchell played UT...



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Kiss my ass!!  

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Message 12/17                 Date: 13-Aug-03  @  08:04 PM   -   RE: if joni mitchell played UT...


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I knew you'd come through K.

See that everyone. I might be a geek but I'm in good company.  

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Message 13/17                 Date: 13-Aug-03  @  11:23 PM   -   RE: if joni mitchell played UT...


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i'm gonna get ut i swear. you gotta be anygood to play though? or can i just get killed lots be be very amusing?

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Message 14/17                 Date: 14-Aug-03  @  03:12 AM     Edit: 14-Aug-03  |  03:14 AM   -   RE: if joni mitchell played UT...


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it's fun right off the bat but you'll get killed a lot for sure until you get the hang of it. Good thing is when you get killed you come right back. You probably want to get UT2003 but you need a fairly hefty puter for it. A p4 1+ or 2+ should do you for 2k3 with a very descent vidcard. I just got the nvidia 5900 but anything like a ti 4600 will do you or even something less than that. Otherwise go for UT.

If you get either one beds let me know and I'll give you our server ips. We run a special mod which is fun and which can be addictive.  

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Message 15/17                 Date: 14-Aug-03  @  03:49 AM   -   RE: if joni mitchell played UT...



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you were probably right sitar when you said you were sidetracked.

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Message 16/17                 Date: 14-Aug-03  @  11:23 AM   -   RE: if joni mitchell played UT...



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yeah... UT2003... way better graphics & movements. I run it on an athlon 1200 with an nvidia 4600

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Message 17/17                 Date: 14-Aug-03  @  12:06 PM   -   RE: if joni mitchell played UT...


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yea UT2003 has incredible graphics. the maps that come with the game are great, but some of the usermade maps are truly amazing. I just made my first map ever and am working on a second one. The maps I'm doing are remakes of UT maps for UT2003. I'm doing that first so I can learn some things before tackling an entirely new map.

The map I did K is on our servers. It's called CTF-TBHallOfAssholes, same name as the original map in UT by a guy named Brizby. It's relatively simple which is why I chose it as my first, but it was always great fun to play.

Shameless plug :P

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