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Subject: the office

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Jan-03  @  12:34 AM     Edit: 07-Jan-03  |  12:35 AM   -   the office


Posts: 2890

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ok, this is from a british comedy series called the office, filmed like a documentary, the boss (and star of the show) is a total wanker called david brent, here are some jems of office wisdom from him -

Eagles may soar high, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

There may be no 'I' in team, but there's a 'ME' if you look hard enough.

Process and Procedure are the last hiding place of people without the wit and wisdom to do their job properly.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.

Never do today that which will become someone else’s responsibility tomorrow.

Every time you open your mouth you have this wonderful ability to continually confirm what I think.

Show me a good loser and I'll show you a LOSER!

Put the key of despair into the lock of apathy. Turn the knob of mediocrity slowly and open the gates of despondency - welcome to a day in the average office.

It's the team that matters. Where would The Beatles be without Ringo? If John got Yoko to play drums the history of music would be completely different.

What does a squirrel do in the summer? It buries nuts. Why? Cos then in winter time he's got something to eat and he won't die. So, collecting nuts in the summer is worthwhile work. Every task you do at work think, would a squirrel do that? Think squirrels. Think nuts.

When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.

If your boss is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail.

If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation.

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Message 11/13                 Date: 08-Jan-03  @  07:10 AM   -   RE: the office



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Yeah, see? If an American producer remakes it they'll bastardize it and smack it around like a red headed step child!

I remember a few years back someone talked about producing an "Absolutely Fabulous" for the US with Roseanne Barr in it! Would have absolutely trashed it!!! Glad it never happened!

I'll take my 1 am viewings of BBC comedy's on PBS over some BAD licensed americanized crap any day!


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Message 12/13                 Date: 08-Jan-03  @  08:57 AM   -   RE: the office


Posts: 1584

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Its a culture thing.. I just don't think enough of our american cousins would get The Office for a US TV Network to take the risk in taking it over..

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Message 13/13                 Date: 09-Jan-03  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: the office



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"Fans of the Slough based paper merchant David Brent, sacked before Christmas, will NOT return for a third series of The Office. Ricky Gervais, voted the most influential figure in British comedy, says that he will only continue with one-off specials of the award winning series" - The Times, thursday 9 2003.

I'm glad. Its better to keep it like Faulty Towers and only do 12 episodes. We'll still be watching the videos in 10 years.

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