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Subject: Pay attention we're everywhere

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Original Message 1/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  12:32 AM     Edit: 20-May-03  |  12:34 AM   -   Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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That's my bike (what's left of it) wedged so tight beneath that truck that when he pulled back into his lane he dragged my bike with him. This is what happens when a driver doesn't pay attention. I was no more than 30 feet in front of him when he proceeded to make a left hand turn across my lane. My bike is a total loss because someone wasn't keeping their eyes on the road. I limped away from it with a few injuries (so far) and hopefully only a week or so layed up but it could have been different in so many ways. Pay attention folks because motorcyclists are everywhere and, for the motorcyclist, there is no such thing as a minor accident.

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Message 2/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  12:51 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 7627

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did you punch the fuckhead in the fucking JAW?

instead of suing I would petition the court to pull his license as he has proven without question that he is unsafe and doesnt deserve a license.

that said, the only times I ever wrecked or got close to wreckin on 2 wheels it was my fault! odd

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Message 3/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  12:51 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 7627

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oh and, glad youre ok, mang. shoulda said that first

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Message 4/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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Your lucky that's the extent of the damage... It's not a matter of if but when, eh?

I always assume they are TRYING to kill me when I'm on a bike!!! Sometimes that's not enough...

Sorry to see your bike down like that. Hope you're as well as you appear. Was he insured?


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Message 5/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  02:00 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 4573

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wow, that oil slick scared the shit outta me 'till i realized what it was. Glad you're all in one piece and still able to type... very important ;)

Did you happen to have your digicam with you or what? what's that rectangular impression from?

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Message 6/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  04:11 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


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Once I was up, walking around, pissed about my bike being totalled the wank started asking me for my insurance info. I told him to back off, you have no idea how much I wanted to break him in half.

Its a fact that if you ride you will, sooner or later, fall. I ride whenever I get the chance and that only increases the odds. The truck is owned by a large waste managment company so they have insurance.

I always have my cheapie digital camara in my pack. The rectangle, if its the one I think you're talking about, is where the oil pooled before the truck moved and dragged the bike.

The doc gave me pain killers so I'm out of it but I think I'm okay so far. I'll go back in a couple of days for a final verdict. I'm just really angry about losing that bike. I took my first cross country trip on it as well as other memorable road trips, over 40,000 miles. All becuase some ignorant shit didn't think he needed to give all his attention to driving. I can only hope he gets sacked.

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Message 7/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  04:20 AM     Edit: 20-May-03  |  04:21 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 4573

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It's a bike. Fuck it. Good memories (due to the fact that your head still works properly) are all you should need to remain happy at this point, eh?   That and the insurance money for a new ride and new memories...

What exactly did you hurt, if you don't mind me asking?

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Message 8/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  04:43 AM     Edit: 20-May-03  |  04:59 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


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Its all soft tissue damage - internal (strains & sprains of ligaments & muscles) & external (road rash, cuts): both knees, right wrist & hand, left wrist & elbow. The right knee is what the doc is concerned about, its about the size of a football. This is the result of an accident at the speed of about 25 MPH. All in all I'm very fortunate, at this point it looks like the only lasting damage will be a few scars but I'll have to wait till friday to know for sure.

As far as the bike goes you're right, better to be wanting for my bike than my arm, or leg, or spine.

"...a new ride and new memories..."

Words of wisdom both literally and figuratively

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Message 9/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  06:43 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 31

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[image file]

Glad you're (relatively) okay Mick

What type of bike was it?

Btw, if you roll out again, think about some mesh gear from Joe Rocket...it'll spare the road rash.

I've traded ivory keys in for bike keys, oh boy...

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Message 10/70                 Date: 20-May-03  @  06:45 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 7627

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heh. yeah! get one of those so you can be goin ONETWENTYFIVE instead of 25 

GTs back. sup holmes

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