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Subject: My old concert footage

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Original Message 1/10                 Date: 15-Sep-05  @  10:08 PM   -   My old concert footage

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I just got a video capture card. So I though my first attempt at doing a video would be concert footage from two of my old concerts back in 1994. Me and my mate Lewis used to do outdoor concerts in an attempt to emulate Jean-Michel Jarre's big concerts. However, the budget was always under £1000, so its not as if you can do much with that.

The video should stream.

Jocks Concert Footage

The dubbed on track was a live recording from when Me and Lewis did a concert back in 1992.

I'm the tall dark handsome one with round shades on

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Message 2/10                 Date: 15-Sep-05  @  10:26 PM   -   RE: My old concert footage


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Message 3/10                 Date: 15-Sep-05  @  11:49 PM   -   RE: My old concert footage


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Great stuff mate.. brings a tear to my eye.. you really did suckle at the teat of monsieur jarre...


(me? I just had to be content playing in the bastard's Destination Docklands gig back in '88 or whenever it was)

Anyway, what the fuck happened to you mate.. you should be doing this shit more often..

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Message 4/10                 Date: 16-Sep-05  @  01:03 AM   -   RE: My old concert footage

Jock Munro

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you played at Destination Docklands ?!?!?!!? need more details !

gutted that I dont have time to write for anymore live concerts. The geezer Lewis who I used to do it with lost interest, and he was the main talent of the band.

Whats even more gutting is that Iain who did the lights for our concerts now runs a HUGE lighting company and is doing really well. So we certainly got the technology to put on a spectacular gig, just shame I cant facking write any music for it !

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Message 5/10                 Date: 16-Sep-05  @  11:40 AM   -   RE: My old concert footage


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That should become one big DT get-together gig I say  

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Message 6/10                 Date: 20-Sep-05  @  11:01 PM   -   RE: My old concert footage


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JMJ needed a youth orchestra and choir for Destination Docklands.. I went to the music school in the East End he ended up asking!

Twas a blast, a rainy blast but a blast nonetheless.. got to meet the man AND he donated a load of synths to the school (that no one 'cept me and two mates ended up using!!) - can say with hand on heart that he got me into production/synths/programming etc...

Say.. we wouldn't mind putting on a big gig (mebbe with some other DTers) if you could do lights and stuff... a germ of an idea forming there..

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Message 7/10                 Date: 20-Sep-05  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: My old concert footage


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now THAT i'd like to see. i could wire up the p.a. or something

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Message 8/10                 Date: 21-Sep-05  @  11:42 AM   -   RE: My old concert footage

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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heh heh, have you looked at the Destination Docklands video ? Perhaps you are caught on it for all of time. There are some lingering shots of the choir you know !

As for doing a concert. I would love to. I know some bloody good locations too. BUT you'd be unpleasantly suprised at how difficult it is to pursuade the local authorities to cooperate or support you. They really dont give a fuck.

I tried before to get an electronic music festival off the ground, I was told that if I wanted to do it I would have to organise everything from portaloo's, policing, licenses for hotdog stands...etc...etc...

Then you gotto find the money to put this on. Getting sponsors is near enough impossible.

I tell thee. its fucking hard work putting on a gig.

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Message 9/10                 Date: 27-Sep-05  @  11:42 PM   -   RE: My old concert footage


Posts: 1584

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C'mon, you could do it...



..and yeah, I checked.. I AM on it.. (Big frickin hair and all)

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Message 10/10                 Date: 29-Sep-05  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: My old concert footage

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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nah, cant be arsed. Get K to do it, the Dancetech Festival. I'll take care of the sound and lights.

heh heh, I will watch the docklands video again, and try and get screen shots of the kids in the choir and post them in here for you to identify !

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