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Subject: useless website

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Original Message 1/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:56 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  02:57 AM   -   useless website


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Message 2/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  03:04 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  03:08 AM   -   RE: useless website

SignalRunners - BLU

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too much time man, too much time

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Message 3/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:59 AM   -   RE: useless website



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you really do some excellent work my man.

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Message 4/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  07:59 AM   -   RE: useless website



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less useless website.

ponder this child's dilemna.

is he thinking?....man it's wonderful how efficient and fruitful
western society is....
with it's billion fossil-fuel burning vehicles going constantly...we might even be able to tip the earth's climactic balance in such a way as to make the extinction of the dinosaurs something no one remembers.

scientists.....especially in england and america, have been saying the earth's warming poses a greater threat to mankind than terrorism.
does this kid look like he's getting his fair share?

it's funny and sad when those here argue for man's nature as if they were preserving or
arguing for nature itself>
as if we were the birds and the bees and not the destroyers of things.

did someone say koyanasquaatsi?

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Message 5/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: useless website



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and cat stevens is a terrorist.

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Message 6/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Everything man does and makes and the materials he makes it with is a product or a process of nature.We are reprocessors even at the fundamental level our own bodies will produce fuel for something like all those billion year old dead insects and plants provide fuel for our activities so will our own bodies produce fuel for some other natural process.So in a sense our destructiveness is simílar to the other destructive forces of nature like volcanic activity etc.It's possible that our destructive activities may benefit some other live form on this planet if not in our own time possibly in the future.I think we have a choice whether we are more creative or more destructive but regardless we are simply a product of nature and if we do cause ourselves to become extinct and take other species with us then who are we to 2nd guess nature eh?It's an ill wind that blows no good and all that jive.

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Message 7/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:53 PM   -   RE: useless website

Steve Roughley

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Well said, Pict. I've gone blue in the face before trying to get anti-human-activity-doom-sayers to understand that we are nature. If there is any blame to place, it should be on nature for creating us, but that really doesn't make any sense either if you think about it.

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Message 8/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: useless website


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if you're going to argue that ARTificial = natural, you eliminate the process of will. if you are unable to discern between contrivancy and incontrivancy, there's no point in me typing this  

since you're alive and might have the impression of independent volition, perhaps you really ought to concern yourself with making choices. and if you accept this, then it's rather counterproductive to go around suggesting the above.

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Message 9/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:47 PM   -   RE: useless website



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so the choice to either behave responsibly or not is not ours at all.
the choice whether to mow down a rainforest is not ours since nature decided.
the choice as to whether to blow the eardrums out of sperm-whales with new ultra-sonic anti-submarine sonar blasts is not ours. it's nature's.
the choice as to whether to make larger and larger SUVs spewing hydrocarbonsso every little housewife in america can think her majesty running her kids down to the school requires imperial means. that choice isn't ours. it's natures....probably a
congress of possums made that decision.

my point is that every time we have a choice to side with responsibility and/or balance.....we almost always seem to steer the boat in the direction of tragedy.

and it's always a handful of select but otherwise passive and/or ultra-comfortable types who will argue on the side of the trucks ready to clear the forest.
you don't make a peep until someone decies the nature of the compass which guides us.
and then you pretend you care.
i understand man had a choice a long-time-ago as to whether we live harmoniously with the rest of our animal brethren and the house which was provided us.....
to SHARE...not destroy.
pict may tend to his land with a conscience and sense of duty to more than his pocketbook....

but that barely covers the larger picture in terms of who's achieved dominance on this earth.....
and for how these arguments i hear still somehow seem to support.

i am nature too and nature is speaking to you.

now go run and be powerful.
i know florida is......

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Message 10/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:49 PM   -   RE: useless website



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decRies the nature of the compass which guides us.

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