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Subject: I might get flamed for this

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Original Message 1/70                 Date: 18-Jul-03  @  11:48 PM   -   I might get flamed for this


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A Pakistani Ambassador to the UN just finished giving a speech, and walks out into the lobby where he met President Bush.
They shake hands and walk together in the long verandah when suddenly the Pakistani said, "You know, I have just one question about what I have seen in America."

President Bush says "Well your Excellency, anything I can do to help you, I will do."

The Pakistani whispers, "My son watches this show 'Star Trek' and in it there are Russians, and Blacks, Chinese, Japanese and Indians but never any Pakistani, Afghani or Arabs.
So my son is very upset. He doesn't understand nor do I about why there aren't any Arabs, Pakistanis, and Afghanis in the Star Trek show."

President Bush laughs and leans toward the Pakistani, and whispers in his ear,
"Because... the show is all about the future"



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Message 2/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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i was e-mailed the same joke by a big-wig customer of mine about a year ago....except instead of pakistani it said palestinian.

i left a message on his machine to stop sending me this racist e-mail.

he called and apologized and said he was sorry and didn't mean to offend me.
i said right.

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Message 3/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  04:17 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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There aren't any trance producers on star trek  

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Message 4/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  05:08 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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I can see this joke both ways... It could be a telling portrait of the "American Attitude" towards these peoples. Not a bash on them, but on the sickness "WE" seem to suffer towards them...

It can be argued that there appears to be a systematic POLICY in place to put an end to these cultures.


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Message 5/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  03:01 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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it's like seeing any racist joke from BOTH ways.
i guarantee you the source from where i got it and ALL the rest of the crap the guy used to send me was pro-military, pro-US, pro-guns.....and ANTI-anyone-who-tries-to-stand-in-the-way.

kinda like saying the US as a joke is a satirical reflection of the US as a joke.

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Message 6/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  05:53 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Sorry wasnt meant to be racist, just a piss take, probably my sick british humour.:-}
I dont think bush is into ethnic cleansing.


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Message 7/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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really honestly going a bit far if one were to claim he was. I despise him/them but I dont think theyre about genocide

except maybe eliminating all poor people?

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Message 8/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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Our current administration is COMPLETELY intolerant of anyone who doesn't see things their way!

No, I don't think they want to kill off these people, but I do believe they want to see their cultures, their identity, stripped from them... And I genuinely believe that they cannot understand that people might CHOOSE to live differently than they do!


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Message 9/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  09:44 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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it comes to THIS: bush loves all people who DON"T TRY TO STAND IN HIS WAY OF WORLD CORPORATE DOMINATION. he don't care if you're chink jap thai-stick nappy-head rasta afro-niggerian wopfrog dago iraqi camel-kisser senor-taco whatever. as long as YOU SIMPLY AGREE TO GO ALONG with HIS PLAN.
condi rice and colin powell are just as much of the recipe to demonstrate this as ANYTHING.
the brothers will come after the brothers....ain't nathin new here.
africa has never been a stranger to war and tribal conflict...and that has certainly been proven here in america.

bush is no racist.
but he don't love humanity either.

he loves/needs 2 things.

power and daddy's love.
and daddy is a bad dude.
be careful what you say.

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Message 10/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  10:02 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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and i ain't even incensed at you ian for having posted this thing. it certainly helped bring up some necessary points.

one is that this new level of tolerance and acceptance of war and systematic erasure/elimination of those who oppose the new corporate order of world greed and fabrication of any truth whatesoever to implement it....is totally appalling in it's depth and scope in this modern barbaric world run by suits-and-ties and highly-armed-camouflage world-over.

it used to be borderline acceptable or totally uncool to say the black-joke about the kid who gets his head stuck up on the velcro on the ceiling ...all that. watermelons. etc.

but what we're talking about in this new level of humor is mass-genocide.
not funny...haha...dark-skinned kid stuck on the velcro-ceiling. but no more palestinians...PERIOD.

go have a beer and pretend i'm out to kill you.
it's really okay because i'm not. but pretend i was.

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