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Subject: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

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Original Message 1/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:14 AM     Edit: 01-Apr-04  |  11:16 AM   -   um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Message 2/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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good article but i think there's still some legitimacy to the notion that illegal downloading does indeed hurt artists.
this is a 2-edged sword and one where we should understand both sides of the argument.
for every time a free download provides exposure to one's music which may result in someone later liking the music to actually want to buy it...there's always gonna be those who brag about having 40,000 downloaded files...and guess what? didn't pay for ONE!!!!

just as catastrophic can brag how he stole reason and wants professional advice as to how to get even MORE out of it.

i went camping with a brother-in-law and wife and kids who wanted me to rent this camper so we could all drive together and be comfortable etc. well....he was navigator as i drove and at one point we entered a motel/restaurant complex and he was swearing i had clearance regarding this overpass in the building's structure.
well....i wrecked the vehicle's airconditioning-unit and when it came time to pay....he had every argument why NOT to pay. he was only the navigator.
he told me i didn't HAVE to listen to him.
he's also a heavy downloader....and has a nice house and fancy furnishings.
i mean why support music when you can get it for free?
just like why pay for a camping-trip when you can ride for free?
i'm all for free music which is legally made available by the artist such as what we do here.
but i'd be pissed if i'm selling only 100 cds or 1000 and i found some guy illegally uploading my cd where thousands of people are accessing it for free.
especially when a lot of these people are not what you might call poor.
and some would even suggest being a fan of the artist. this always cracks me up when a guy says he's a big fan of someone and can't show me one thing he actually bought from the guy.
but we will pay for gas and we will pay for bombs.

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Message 3/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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But the real question is, would the guy buy music if he couldn't download it?


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Message 4/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  05:58 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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your brother in law sounds like a complete dick man

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Message 5/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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thats a shit argument (no offence craig), i heard that a million times about audio software too.

If *the guy* wouldnt buy the music, why does that give him the right to listen to it at all?

I wouldnt buy a 42 inch plasma tv, does that mean I have the right to beable to access one for free without stepping out the house anyway?

blah blah but its digital and doesnt cost anything phsyically to reproduce, so its ok to have it , and save my money for a big tv instead - bollocks, the sooner all this file/audio/mp3 music swapping shite is stopped the better


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Message 6/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  07:00 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

cydonia cell


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I've always seen it as simple... basicaly you have this personal relationship with the artist (or where I'm the artist, with the listener)... if the artist wants to give the music, good on him! If he doesn't, I'll respect that too, and i may not listen if the price tag is too high for the product. See? I have purchased maybe 10 CD's in the last 3 years, because so much of what is out there is crap, and just plain not worth the price of admission. But I also don't download licensed music for the above reasons.

Besides, really!!! IMO, The best new stuff out there is unsigned underground and indie rock! Stuff you don't corporate prices for anyway.


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Message 7/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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"the sooner all this file/audio/mp3 music swapping shite is stopped ..."


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Message 8/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  08:49 PM     Edit: 01-Apr-04  |  08:50 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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fuck off anonymous cunt

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Message 9/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:04 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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The problem is, and we keep coming back to this...is that this has nothing FUCKING NOTHING to do with protection of artists at all. NOTHING!!!!!!! This is about protecting the record companies' shareholders' assets. Rosen and her cronies DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK about any of you, or money you may have coming to you from record sales, or losing from filesharing. Do you think ANY of the money that people were sued for went to the artists? One penny? Points, maybe? Fuck no. Not a cent or even a fraction of one. It went to the RIAA and their lawyers. Personally, I'd like to see the evidence of these studies as grounds for countersuit, wasted airspace, server space, harrassment, and the psychological damage of the fear and paranoia that Rosensow and her shitbag friends have laid on the rest of the world.

Now as for real theieves athat just download loads of stuff, and SELL it as mp3, or audio CDs that really are directly ripping off the artists, they need to be burned alive in the trunks of the cars they are selling that stuff out of.


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Message 10/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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