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Subject: sherman austin went to jail

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Original Message 1/54                 Date: 04-Sep-03  @  07:18 PM   -   sherman austin went to jail


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a real killer

sherman austin let other people on his server. one of these people posts info on making bombs (evidently drano bombs.. clorox, drano, 1/4 stick of dynamite.. chlorine gas bomb!) sherman austin goes to jail for one year beginning yesterday... again, he was just the guy with the server. the guy woh actually posted the data isn't being prosecuted.

you see, sherman is an 'example' the government wishes to set to discourage 'other young anarchists.' after the term is served, the probation prohibits sherman from associating with any group that wishes to change the government.

the message is clear. it is now forbidden to change the american government.

would somebody explain this word 'democracy' again? i'm having trouble with the last bit, that has a lot of the letters from 'crap'
in it.

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Message 2/54                 Date: 04-Sep-03  @  07:34 PM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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damn. and they left the other guy entirely alone?

so. fcking. odd. this place

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Message 3/54                 Date: 04-Sep-03  @  08:09 PM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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If you are in a band, group, or do spoken word, you can also perform at a benefit show

We are doing many benefit shows in Southern California. If you are interested in performing at any of these shows, please contact liveiranlive@riseup.net

influx - the half of it is the threat they are sending by not arresting the other guy.. "we can fuck with who we want for no apparent reason and there's jack you can do about it.. better give up those foolish young notions and go do something we like you to do.."

i'm telling you, america is well and fully owned.

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Message 4/54                 Date: 04-Sep-03  @  08:12 PM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail



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Don't need to tell me...

watch out for the hippies that don't look stoned at those benefits, they're taking names...


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Message 5/54                 Date: 04-Sep-03  @  09:15 PM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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its not just america, rurik.

honestly tho...move! serious. Not in a "if you dont like it get the out" way but more in a..wouldnt it be less stressful?

youre not fighting, so all youre doing is thinking about it, and that is dangerous!

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Message 6/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  01:40 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail



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errata....if everyone was stoned...the government wouldn't HAVE to TAKE names. because they'd just be so docile and complacent and> yeah....

..man...like i'm so stoned.

i'm so freakin stoned.

it's the ones that aren't stoned they're worried about.

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Message 7/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  02:22 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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just coz you critiscize (sp) doesn't mean you hate everything/one, surely.

though, in xoxos' case that might be true

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Message 8/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  02:53 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail


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no..no doubt there...the best criticism would come from love, wouldnt it maybe?

it does seem like xoxos truly despises it here, and would be happier elsewhere...

but sadly, finding a less oppressive large govt is a daunting task!

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Message 9/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:16 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail



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xoxos lives for xoxos. there exsists only xoxos in xoxos' mind

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Message 10/54                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: sherman austin went to jail



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now dis is anotha fine exampal of crackas holdin' another brotha down...dread brotha too. he musta been hang'n with da panthas doe cos truth ballers dont play wit da bombz

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