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Subject: human animals

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Original Message 1/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  10:15 AM   -   human animals


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so are humans just another animal or are we separate from the rest of the 'beasts'

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Message 2/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  12:08 PM   -   RE: human animals


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Message 3/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  12:15 PM   -   RE: human animals


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we are animals, my missus is a cow and she says i'm a pig

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Message 4/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  12:33 PM   -   RE: human animals


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you dog

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Message 5/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  01:45 PM   -   RE: human animals


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you cvnt....no wait, thats not an animal....oh well ;)

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Message 6/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: human animals


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Both is a good answer...

I think in the end we are different, to an extent... in that we are sentient. People look at tails and thumbs for the difference... I say it's the brain. Our ability to think abstractly... to recognize, "This shit sucks, the way we're doing it is wrong". Animals don't really have this, yeah if you kick a cat it thinks, "Thi shit sucks!" but it doesn't change (or even consider changing) the fundamental way in which it goes about things... very few animals can do this, some cephalopods and humans.. it think that's it.

Anyway, that's my serious answer,...


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Message 7/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: human animals


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We are animals of the genus:Homo,species:sapien we interact with our environment in a different way to other species of animals that's all.The idea that we are anything but animals is purely human conceit.

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Message 8/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: human animals


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It's true, but Pict... there is no conceit in other animals (that we can recognize, I'll grant).

I think the idea that all animals have a way of doing this and humans are the only ones who do it differently points to something. Of course that something may well be a load of crap, eh?

I'm not saying we're superior. And I'm not suggesting that we should view ourselves as seperate from this natural order of the planet... frankly I think that's what's gotten us into ALL of the trouble we seem to have. But again, the idea that we see ourselves in this light contrasts with other species...


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Message 9/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  06:26 PM   -   RE: human animals


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I think think that a dog(for example)is as absorbed with being a dog as we are with being human we can imagine what it's like to be a dog but the act of imagining is us being human making use of our ability to imagine,we don't know for sure that a dog doesn't imagine what it's like to be a human and just as a dog can't know what it's like to be human we can't really know,for all our imagination what it's like to be a dog we could be totally off the mark and they might simply be letting us do all the work getting a relatively cushy life by absolving responsiblity for their own lives onto us.We're quite good at getting food together so it's only intelligent behaviour to be on our good side so that they can get a share of the grub and thus survive more easily.

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Message 10/38                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  08:28 PM     Edit: 21-Aug-03  |  08:31 PM   -   RE: human animals

Steve Roughley

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"there is no conceit in other animals (that we can recognize, I'll grant)."

Do you have a cat E? Or a horse?

It allways comes down to things like the opposable thumb and the articulate tongue. These are part of the reason that we have become so... erm... eccentric. But the fact remains that we are animals. All animals are different to some extent, but are all so much the same. We share two thirds of our DNA with the fruit fly. And we feature so many functional similarities such as neuroses, which we are allways using to identify the human species apart from the others, which is just plain silly.


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