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Subject: Bush on Tribal sovereignty

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Original Message 1/33                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  03:36 PM   -   Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 342

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I did not vote for that man!

and listen to the fucking people laugh at the buffoon!

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Message 2/33                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 342

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The Wartime
President Song!

My old man, he had oil...
so I'd never have to toil !
With a knick-knack, bomb Iraq
all your money's spent...
I'm a wartime president !

My old man, made a call...
so I didn't go to 'nam at all!
With a knick-knack, bomb Iraq
all your money's spent...
I'm a wartime president !

Did my time in the Guard...
Went AWOL... It wasn't hard!
With a knick-knack, bomb Iraq
all your money's spent...
I'm a wartime president !

DUI? I made bail...
Then Daddy sent me off to Yale!
With a knick-knack, bomb Iraq
all your money's spent...
I'm a wartime president !

We won the war, so wave the flags...
just ignore those body bags !
With a knick-knack, bomb Iraq
all your money's spent...
I'm a wartime president !

I'm in charge. I'm the Prez...
Cause I do just what Cheney says!
With a knick-knack, bomb Iraq
all your money's spent...
I'm a wartime president !

I'll do fine in the end, cause
Halliburton is my friend !
With a knick-knack, bomb Iraq
all your money's spent...
I'm a wartime president !

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Message 3/33                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  04:51 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 6231

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i'm not good on streamng movies, but the title of the thread.. you feeling okay? sweats?

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Message 4/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  08:03 AM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 12353

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what a fuckin loser that man is -


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  09:19 AM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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No K - what a bunch of tossers the Americans are for voting in a guy like that

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Message 6/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  01:14 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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it was that jeb bloke what done it.

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Message 7/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty



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it was cheddar's fault for making babies while america WENT RAMPANT.
man...and you could've made the difference.

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Message 8/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  05:06 PM     Edit: 15-Sep-04  |  05:14 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty

SignalRunners - BLU

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Funniest thing about this is - Americas a big ol place, and to get voted in needs ***ALOT** of votes-

and according to 90 percent of the population, *they* certainly didnt vote for him- hmmmmm Hilarious!!!

Kill your neighbour! and there nighbour! Someones telling fibs


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Message 9/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 7627

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I know plenty of folks who proudly claim they voted for him.

that was a painful video

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Message 10/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  06:21 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 6231

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off to buy 50' of shade cloth so i can finally grow my own fucking food out here in prison camp majestic.

it's been a long time since i've gotten on my bike and not hoped i wouldn't make it back..

wish me some fucking luck today!

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