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Subject: OT: went to see "town & country"

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Original Message 1/25                 Date: 27-Sep-03  @  06:00 AM   -   OT: went to see

Yet another alias coming soon...

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One of the best performances I've ever heard. If you have the chance to attend a performance don't miss it. This is art.

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Message 2/25                 Date: 27-Sep-03  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: OT: went to see


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Not so sure I'm into art.. I prefer something that's perfectly tailored for my demographic.. that way I don't have to think...


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Message 3/25                 Date: 27-Sep-03  @  01:16 PM   -   RE: OT: went to see



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i dont know much about art.... but I know what I like  

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Message 4/25                 Date: 27-Sep-03  @  04:54 PM   -   RE: OT: went to see

Broken Silence


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log out mick!!!!!!!!!!


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Message 5/25                 Date: 28-Sep-03  @  07:11 AM     Edit: 28-Sep-03  |  07:57 AM   -   RE: OT: went to see

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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How the fuck do I log out!!! Seriously, I tried the other day and I couldn't find hide nor hair (lord I gotta git outta the South) of a "logout" page! The new alias is gonna be permanent for awhile, its already been typeset.   I'm just too lazy right now to change it here and, truth be told, I've always been a bit uncomfortable with it all. Rhyze was a convenient and, at the time ("rhyze"ing above one's circumstances as opposed to crashing and burning, like I am now), seemingly appropriate login for my Internet account (knock yerselves out - those lurking and so inclined). PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft (or however I spelled it) was sort of a joke referencing a comment someone made after listening to a piece of music I recorded. Also, around the same time I read an article from 1999 stating that manufacture of Placidyl had been discontinued. It all seems so silly and pretentious when its just "you", no offense. If it was a "band" thing I wouldn't feel so odd about it all. What motivates people to choose any particular "handle"?

As far as the art thing...
imagine the coolest chillest ambient you've ever heard done with nothing but acoustic instruments. Tell me ya don't like that.

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Message 6/25                 Date: 28-Sep-03  @  07:34 AM     Edit: 28-Sep-03  |  07:37 AM   -   RE: OT: went to see


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Seriously mick... stop changing your name. It's hard enough for me to remember people I meet (even in "real" life) due to my pot intake. Online, I can't even attempt to put a face to a name. Your handle is a memory trigger, some ethereal representation of who you are and all you've told me. And when you start up a new one every other week, yer basically a new person to me every other week. I constantly have to remind myself who the fuck you are, would you kindly stop it you schizo??


No really, i'm serious, cut that out

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Message 7/25                 Date: 28-Sep-03  @  07:37 AM     Edit: 28-Sep-03  |  07:38 AM   -   RE: OT: went to see

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Well, now that you mention it, I have found that somewhat amusing, even when I'm the one confused. Tell you what...

I'm going to do something special just for you.  

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Message 8/25                 Date: 28-Sep-03  @  07:39 AM   -   RE: OT: went to see


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heh, we both love to edit our posts innit

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Message 9/25                 Date: 28-Sep-03  @  07:53 AM   -   RE: OT: went to see

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Oh yes we do!

Are you happy now?

There is a catch, however. Can you tell me what "Optofonik" is a reference to? If not, then its yet another alias just for you. (Insert Scooby voice) Hee hee hee hee hee.

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Message 10/25                 Date: 28-Sep-03  @  07:58 AM   -   RE: OT: went to see


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^^^ ???

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