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Subject: Orbital - Blue Album

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Original Message 1/23                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  01:23 PM   -   Orbital - Blue Album


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Just got it.. having a listen.. not sure.. any one else? Sitar?

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Message 2/23                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  04:52 PM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album


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Personally I think that Orbital along with Joy Division are the most overated bands in the history of music. But this is just my opinion but I reckon I've got a superb tatse in music.

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Message 3/23                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album



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the 2 groups had nothing in common.
so i'd include franz ferdinand if we're gonna just start listing over-rated groups.

joy division was more about how to be in life....ie...dead.
the title of the second album said it all.
it was obvious curtis was going to kill himself.

but as for orbital....they are maybe one of the spottiest bands that i'll forever be in love with.
they can make stuff which i simply can't listen to....find difficult to enjoy and yet when they reach high (and they do this more times than the
average popster_electronic or otherwise).....they achieve heaven.

for that reason alone....any new orbital would be worth checking out....
if one can do so without spending 20 bucks first....of course.

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Message 4/23                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  07:07 PM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album



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i think i need to qualify my one statement by saying the stuff i don't like by the brothers hartnoll is in the vast minority of what they've done.
the darker goofier stuff.....like satan> for example.

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Message 5/23                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  08:20 PM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album


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I like the new album a lot... But I've always enjoyed eveyrthing they've done... Though I don't think they're fundamental listening... although... ... ...

Joy Division... hehehe... best band of their era. Horrible musicians, which is why so many folks don't agree with that. But listen to any cover of a Joy Divion song. Hell, even MOBY of all people couldn't fuck that one up. Listen to Joy Division Lyric and tell me that guy wasn't out on that razor.

Besides they went on to be New Order... Who, along with Throbbing Gristle, Severed Heads and Cabaret Voltaire (among many others) built the house we all live in. But New Order went one further, they were the first to make a living at it!!! Hehehehe... would we have ever had RAVE without the Hacienda?

Oh, right, Orbital. Brilliant... Never disliked anything from them. The new album feels, well.. suburban... to me. Like families, green grass lawns and honest work. Also feels more personal.



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Message 6/23                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album



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towards the end of a hard day...yesterday...i popped substance> into my cassette- deck at work....
seriously...that has got to be one of the crowning testimonies of the greatness of that era.
new order...for me....was the phoenix arisen.
i remember the first time i heard ceremony and jumping up and down knowing somehow joy division would survive....without the dark noose and anchor around it's neck.
music was for the living after all.
there were ups and downs perfectly reflecting our lives....but they were good ups and downs.

it's nice to hear a good review for the new orbital album.
i like just knowing it's blue.

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Message 7/23                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  10:50 PM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album

Absorb Fish

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I liked "You Lot" that definately carries the orbital sound that I loved.

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Message 8/23                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  08:51 AM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album


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Still taking time to grow on me, it just feels less "intricate", dunno why... like the brothers Hartnoll are aware their winding it down, they're happy with what they've acheived in the past but don't feel the need to prove anything else (which they don't really) - but at the same time, they're not pushing anything any more...

Felt that with The Altogether as well..

Still definitely feeling the love with High Contrast's "High Society" and finally got round to picking up EZ Rollers "Titles of the Unexpected"... EZ Rollers and Doug-E Fresh, whodathunkit??

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Message 9/23                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  09:57 AM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album


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I would never put down Franz Ferdinand as a band in the chronicles of music history. I just said I thought they were definitely worthy winners of the Mercury Music prize (but I still say The Zutons should have won) and good for this particular year but they would never enter the rock n roll hall of fame.

New Order were a great band and have the biggest selling 12" of all time, bank-rolled the hacienda, which in turn gave a breeding grounds to sasha, etc. blah, blah, blah, blah…..yer I know all that but to me New Order had "funk and soul" whereas Joy Division didn't.

Plus I don't think throbbing gristle and the severed heads built house music as this was being done in 1977 at The Warehouse with Frankie Knuckles and Jessie Saunders. Jessie Saunders actually made the first house track and its called "Fantasy" by Z Factor but the first house track that the majority of people would know about is Jamie Principals - "Waiting on an Angel".

Orbital did 2 great tunes but that's it. All the rest of their tunes sound like the same tunes and most of them are all in Ab minor which is too samey in every bloody track.

Do I get a badge?

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Message 10/23                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  01:12 PM   -   RE: Orbital - Blue Album



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damn dominic....you ever hear snivelization or lush or halcyon side-by-side?
it all sounds the same?
oh dear....we need to take a walk.

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