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Subject: stupid lazy fat americans

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Original Message 1/20                 Date: 29-Aug-03  @  09:17 PM   -   stupid lazy fat americans

Broken Silence


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A woman in my area had a fun day. (around a week or two ago...)

So she went to mcdonalds where she decided to hit the drive through. (fat)

She pulled up, placed her order and proceeded to the window to pay. While at the window, she dropped her change as the woman at the counter was handing it to her. Instead of opening the door, getting out of the car and picking up her change, she decided to just open the door and lean out. (lazy)

When she was leaning out, the car was still in drive and her foot was on the break. While scrounging the ground for her change, her foot slipped off the break and slammed on the gas. Her head was caught on the brick wall and dragged against it as her foot was on the gas. (stupid)

Does that cover all the bases?

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Message 2/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans



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she couldn't have been american.

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Message 3/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans


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and that has what to do with being fat, lazy, or an american?

come on, man. find a better one.

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Message 4/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  04:54 AM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans


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its called darwinism. she deserved to die.

but then again, so do the fucks that programmed her so ineptly that she would allow something so stupid to happen

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Message 5/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  05:53 AM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans



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this would never happen at a burger king.

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Message 6/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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"so do the fucks that programmed her so ineptly that she would allow something so stupid to happen"

Nah man. I blame this entirely on farmers and the restaraunt business. As soon as we have to stop running after our potential meals alot of us are going to get fat.


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Message 7/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  11:09 AM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans


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heh. so fucking true! and we lose the reverence that truly should exist

but heck..are we past that? I say LET THE FUCKERS DIE the ones that dont know how to NOT die

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Message 8/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  02:52 PM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans

Broken Silence


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okay, she's american, she went to mcdonalds, she was too lazy to get out of the car to get her change and she was too stupid to put it in park


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Message 9/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  03:45 PM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans



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bottom-line: she went to macdonald's and never came back.

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Message 10/20                 Date: 30-Aug-03  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: stupid lazy fat americans


Posts: 1005

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Blame the Iraqis they invented agriculture.We were perfectly happy running around in bearskins and hunting wooly mammoths we were well skinny then.

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