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Subject: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!

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Original Message 1/20                 Date: 16-Jul-04  @  11:58 AM   -   Prodigy - Don't make me larf!


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Has anyone heard the last "effort" from this bunch of wasters!

PLease.... the yhad some good stuff ages ago, but "Girl" the new single totally sucks!

Go away Prodigy, no-one likes you!


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Message 2/20                 Date: 16-Jul-04  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!


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but people want to be told what to like, and what to buy

not because the music is good, but because many people listen to it (thus it's "good")

stageboys, aren't they?

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Message 3/20                 Date: 16-Jul-04  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!


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at this point theyre tainted. no way around it. once "firestarter" and "Smack my bitch up" got big...they became puppets. beyond saving

same with the beastie boys...and the list goes on and on

noboby say "meatball" to your woman for me, wouldya?

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Message 4/20                 Date: 17-Jul-04  @  03:42 AM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!


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sorry to hear that but heh. Mindfields, Narayan, and Diesel Power are great tracks. You wonder what happens. Is it the bucks or does the well of creativity just run dry?

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Message 5/20                 Date: 17-Jul-04  @  08:43 AM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!


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we cant stand liking things that other people like + AnR men

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Message 6/20                 Date: 17-Jul-04  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!


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when you've said your piece and the people insist that you say more, if perhaps you were urging them to not seek their own words, then obviously it doesn't matter what you say.. might as well be garbage. someone dropped the ball.

selling cds is hardly the most level playing field.. too much bother when it's your turn. it's a game of shit.

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Message 7/20                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  02:50 AM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!


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i like the beasties...sure all their stuff sounds the same now but it makes me feel good knowing theyre still out there.

i saw them a few years ago...they blew out the power with that huge bass drop in "shake your rump" and when it dint come back on after a few minutes they played a hardcore set with no p.a. for the lucky few who were close enough to hear it, guitar, bass, drums. that was cool of them i thought

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Message 8/20                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  02:51 PM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!



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I had the displeasure of doing the sound and lights for the prodigy in the early 90's down at southend cliffs pavillion, nice venue for a roadies point of view, equipment straight off the truck, onto a lift that goes up to the wings of the stage, shame about the entertainment. Fucking awful. and they even brought along their own "lighting designer" who was a total c*nt and had no idea whatsoever about what he was talking about. The best thing of the evening was our amazinly superb light show.

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Message 9/20                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  09:36 PM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!


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such a sad industry that takes a pretty creative fella with a motley entourage, attempts to turn him into an idol, and then he/they begin to believe the fallacy themselves

oh, and sitar..I fckin LOVE "Narayan" and many of the other tracks on FotL, but...there's no doubt that "Music" is much better, and far more true to the "art" than sales

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Message 10/20                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: Prodigy - Don't make me larf!

cydonia cell


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Success breeds expectation, maybe?

I mean, I got a following with my trance act! People came to parties to hear us... then we broke it off... I start doing breaks and electro... people come out knowing it's me... then get pissed 'cause I'm not throwing 4 on the floor... I have to start from scratch impressin' and attractin' and entirely different gang... cause, well, stereotype or no, trance fans tend to like only trance... ... (not tryin' to get THAT argument going again, BTW)

and I'm a little fish!


maybe, you sale some records, get some fans and feel obliged to please them... and since you're growing, changing etc... it becomes forced, sterile and "recipe"!!!



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