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Subject: When eBayers go bad

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Original Message 1/19                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  06:11 PM   -   When eBayers go bad


Posts: 39

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I've just had my eBay account suspended for supposedly having a non-working or invalid email address. Actually there's nothing wrong with it, it's working fine, but they (eBay) have decided that it's not and that I'm in violation of their site policies. They ended the auctions I had running on there, and I'm prohibited from using the site at all, including registering a new account.

I decided to appeal against this decision, so they sent me an appeal form. Christ almighty! If you could see the palava you've got to go through to try and get reinstated. They treat you as some kind of criminal who's guilty, until or unless you can prove yourself innocent. I'm supposed to provide official documents to prove my identity, and then they'll make a decision based on the evidence - wtf! I can't even email them to defend myself, because as a suspended member I'm unable to sign in, yet they told me to contact support with any questions I might have, which I'm to do through the official form on the site, it's pathetic.

They sent me a one size fits all form, which lumps me in with child pornographers, shill bidders, frauds and cheats, which frankly I found offensive. So I've told them they can shove their appeal, and I've gone back to the site and re-registered with a new username. I might go and register with some more names yet as well, because I don't care. I can't sell on there anymore because I've only got one credit card, and that's blocked, but if they're going to treat their members with that kind of contempt, then they must expect their members to treat eBay with contempt.

EBay is a corporate monster, and it needs slaying. They're behaving like a dictator.

But the reason I've posted this here is because I wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience with them?

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Message 2/19                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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Their greed will be their downfall I wouldn't be surprised if there was a load of very juicy lawsuits waiting to erupt on them,plus I reckon governments are eying that whole auction business and money beaming services like paypal(now owned by ebay),brightpay etc. with a big glistening greedy evil eye of their own.

There's far too much scamming on ebay by ebay themselves and 1000s of small time con artists,the feedback system is a total joke if you give legitimate bad feedback,the other party to the transaction simply retaliates and gives you bad feedback in return so it really is pointless it's also very easy to build up 100% positive feedback by buying lots of cheap shit and waiting until the transactions can no longer be checked in the ebay database so that no one can see the value of your deals.

Bargains although they can still be found are definitely getting thinner on the ground too and the ebay fraud investigation system is utterly useless all in all it's a pretty stressful and unpleasant experience most of the time,whether selling or buying in my opinion.

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Message 3/19                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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yup. the place is a joke. I sell there frequently but I am well aware that its probably not gonna last unless some drastic revisions are made

as for the feedback..i ignore ALL feedback for a seller that is as a buyer. What a seller bought means NOTHING.

as for their suspension practices...DAMN you just struck a nerve via a memory I have of the same experience. They truly do treat you like a fucking criminal. I guarantee theres just some fat useless pieces of shit on a power trip causing you no end of headache.

bastards! and theres really nothing can be done! its truly frightening to think about. They keep raising their fees, and they provide NO service except a place to buy and sell quite easily. The protection they offer is NIL, and that crap with paypal? It just doubles!

argh. down with the corporations! heh. just kidding. Sure seem out of control tho

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Message 4/19                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  11:19 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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you guys make me wanna cancel my paypal account! heheh (which i've only used once).

.. man.. official documents to prove your identity!?!?

isn't your credit card official enough? (there is a one to one relationship with credit cards right?)


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Message 5/19                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  11:36 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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isn't your credit card official enough? (there is a one to one relationship with credit cards right?)

Exactly! But no, that wouldn't be good enough for f*cking ebay, they want official documents - well f*ck them. I can do without that kind of aggrevation.

I'm sending their "investigations" department a stinking letter, telling them exactly what I think of them.

All this makes me wonder if there isn't something sinister going on inside ebay.

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Message 6/19                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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sure there is. Its called GREED

they pull so much fucking money DAILY that why the fuck should they care about a little shit like you? or me? Hell Ive had an ebay account for 6 years now....thousands of transactions...dunno how much Ive paid them but thousands for sure as well...

they really dont care.

I wish there was a way to get people to boycott and for it to MATTER. Its so sad when a company is so big that a minor uprising is something to just scoff at, and a major one is beyond organization


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Message 7/19                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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I think you've hit the nail well and truly on the head influx. But the little can fight back, especially here in the UK. I'm already in the process of firing off emails to every paper I can.

This needs to be made public, it could happen to anyone who's registered with them, at any time.

Hopefully I'll get heard. I've done nothing wrong, and I will have my say, I've got a right to defend myself.

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Message 8/19                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  12:52 AM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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That should have been "little man".

You know what it needs, imho? It needs a whole lot of eBay sellers to get together and form their own site. Run it like co-operative, plough back say 25% of all the profit into the website. If enough people who sell on there could get together and organise something I reckon it could be done. You've only got attract the sellers to get the customers. Everybody goes to eBay because thats where the best sellers sell the best stuff. Look at any other auction site on the web, and they're empty, but it's only because all the sellers on eBay know they can get good money on there.

It's the members that have made the site what it is, and they could make their own site as good, in fact better.

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Message 9/19                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  12:53 AM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad


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but...the thing is..in a sense...

well, here in the states, businesses often have signs that say "we have the right to refuse service to anyone"

and..well..I agree.

ebay is a business, and...in effect, if they feel like randomly, blindly, stupidly cutting people off, well..they are entitled to that because ultimately in the end they are losing money (as well as you, I understand) so...Id guess that any laws would side with them being able to do whatever they damn well please.

but FIRE AWAY! Even though I use ebay frequently to sell..Ive lost interest almost completely. that damn place has driven prices so low theyre ridiculous. Some lucky shmuck just won a fully blown K2500S from me for $1000!!!! fuck that! 

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Message 10/19                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  07:08 AM   -   RE: When eBayers go bad



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influx...now tell me i'm supposed to sell my old jx3p and juno 1 on e-bay!


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