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Subject: those crazy Yanks are at it again!

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Original Message 1/17                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  07:53 PM   -   those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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did you see the news about that looney judge and his granite '10 commandments' statue... lol!

bunch of loopy religious zealots!

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Message 2/17                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

Posts: 1444

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Welcome to the Deep South.

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Message 3/17                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  08:51 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!


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musta missed that one

theres definitely a benefit to not reading the news or watching TV much

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Message 4/17                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!


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Yup. You should see how bent out of shape my Mom gets when I tell her I think they should remove "under God" from the pledge of allegience.

There's a lot of religious nuts out there. Fortunately, if you stick to east cost or west coast cities I think you drastically cut down on that kind of thing.

It usually goes along with "dueling banjos" in my experience :P

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Message 5/17                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  09:49 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!


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yeah been following this one for a while- not b/c any
big interest on my part, it's just been in the news a lot.

So I believe today they finally moved it- it's actually
kinda small; pedestal w/ 10 commandments on it. the
pro-monument protesters are STILL there tho, just like,
sitting around praying and stuff, speaking in tongues,
firing high powered rifles at abortion doctors, that sort
of thing.

Here, I linked the story from my yahoo page, sorry for
the corporate bias and all.

...i think they moved it to the lunchroom. hmmm, I guess
it'll make a nice cutting board, ha!

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Message 6/17                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  10:26 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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more Fundamentalist tomfoolery there... ^^^

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Message 7/17                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  11:05 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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They should move it to the bathroom and use it as a choping board.

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Message 8/17                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!


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"It usually goes along with "dueling banjos" in my experience :P"

LMAO! It's true. And it gets real scary when you started pressin buttons on some of these people.

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Message 9/17                 Date: 28-Aug-03  @  02:24 AM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!



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It usually goes along with "dueling banjos" in my experience :P

NOW SAY IT!!!! SOOOooooooooWEEEEEeeeeee!!!!!!!
i said SAY IT YOU PIG!!!!

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Message 10/17                 Date: 28-Aug-03  @  08:50 AM   -   RE: those crazy Yanks are at it again!


Posts: 240

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mcc..........got any new ones?

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