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Subject: I make a damn good servant

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Original Message 1/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  04:15 PM   -   I make a damn good servant


Posts: 118

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********FALL CLEARANCE SALE****************

Hurry before it's too late!!!!

SWF looking to become an ExPat. I cook, I clean, and will do just about anything to get out of this country!! SERIOUSLY!!

Why? WHY?!?!? I did my part, and so did the state I currently reside in.

So why are all the ignorant, hillbilly fucks out there deciding who runs this government??? I cannot take it anymore. Fear mongering idiots!!!

So I'm sitting here, waiting for the next bout of terrorism to fall upon me, which of course is another 4 years of living under the regime of the biggest terrorist of all.


It's so hard for me to give up control. No matter what I do, say, or whatever. I am disheartened and sickened by the ignorance. I cannot live here any longer. I give up.

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Message 2/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  05:10 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant

Bol Toper

Posts: 81

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No No, don't give up yet. The only chance the world has of a decent future is if the decent Americans outnumber the fuckwits. At the moment it's about 50/50. If all the good people emigrate where will we be? As it is the people who leave are the clever ones (ie the ones with passports) not the hillbilly cretins who vote for Bush and only ever leave the US because they're told to go and fight in some foreign place. It's no wonder they don't have a good view of the rest of the world when they only ever see foreigners from behind a gun. People are not at their best when they're being shot at.
So please stay and fight for a better result next time. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.


Having said that I've a room spare in my place you can have for £200 a month, including en suite recording studio.

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Message 3/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  05:12 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant


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lol - squeel like a pig gurl!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant


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ignorant hillbillies? try septic reptiles.

i make a damn good sniper.

stay. you have electronic hands.

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Message 5/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant


Posts: 118

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Snipers eh?

Where's Carlos Hathcock and Norm Chandler when one needs them most?

Bush will not complete this term, mark my words.

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Message 6/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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"The only chance the world has of a decent future is if the decent Americans outnumber the fuckwits. At the moment it's about 50/50. "

Thats ok then, 294 million people live in the USA. That means that only 147 million of them are fuck wits. YAY !

Trills, my fiancee is looking for a mud wrestling partner. You can bed down in the studio if you want, rent free, just as long as I can watch the wrestling.

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Message 7/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant


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"No No, don't give up yet. The only chance the world has of a decent future is if the decent Americans outnumber the fuckwits."

You don't know what it's like to have to live in their midst. Luckily I'm in a blue state but will leave this country at the drop of a hat if the opportunity arises.

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Message 8/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant


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Shit! I'm in a Blue state... for god's sake we're supposed to be the left of the left out here on the left coast...

but California voted 55% kerry, 45% bush... that's NOT blue enough!

I feel surrounded! Not by stupid people, no.. they aren't stupid!

They're selfish, obnoxious, rotten bastards who want more and more, and couldn't care any less if to get what they want others have to have less and less.

For god's sake they vote to send THEIR OWN GODDAMNED children to die so they can feel safe in their leather sofas watching the world through the HI graphix color splash of lies and jusitification that pours into the gated communities through plasma televisions.

The greatest joke of the day? All the polls show that America considered MORALITY the primary consideration... MORALITY? What kind of morals do you have when you support Pain, Greed and the Big Balls SWAGGER of the most narrow minded potentate the modern age has seen since Adolph Hitler?



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Message 9/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  11:30 PM     Edit: 03-Nov-04  |  11:36 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant


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nah, decided to edit it.

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Message 10/16                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: I make a damn good servant



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we're talking today andrew.....not ten years ago goofball..

not that w didn't do his share of......sniff....ahhhh....

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