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Subject: Gated FX with vocals and stuff

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Original Message 1/6                 Date: 26-Jan-00  @  04:22 PM   -   Gated FX with vocals and stuff



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Ok, I've asked this before but I don't think anyone replied. In a lot of today's d&b and jungle tracks there is a certain effect that I want to do. You'll hear a vocal, then slowly the vocal chops up like a word "peace" would slowly chop into p-p-p-e-e-e-a-a-a-c-c-c-e-e-e, then p---p---p---p---e, you get the picture. I think you can do this with a gate? Also when I play a sample back with a seq. the whole sample plays thru even it another note hits during that. How do I get a sample to play then start over when another note hits? Anyone know what I'm talking about?


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Message 2/6                 Date: 28-Jan-00  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: Gated FX with vocals and stuff



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To your second question, set the mode of sample playback in the parameter screen
to "note off" for true gated samples or "mono" for monophonic samples where you always want to hear the release (for example, for 808 kicks when you always want the bassy release and not just the kissy attack). Of course, with the 808 example, you could just gate it in "note off" mode, but that's if you get really gritty.

To your first question, If I'm thinking of the same effect as you are, I'd gate the "peace" sample in note-off mode and maybe time stretch or just lower the pitch (which would stretch it more naturally and of course make the voice sound less human)....maybe you'd have a before-stretch or normal pitch sample for the p p p p p sounds and a streched or tuned down version for the peeeeeeaaaaaaace part.

Am I helping?

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Message 3/6                 Date: 28-Jan-00  @  05:57 AM   -   RE: Gated FX with vocals and stuff



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midi cc number 7 is midi volume. in cubase you can paint these gates and quantize them however you want. I usually program an arpeagiator to use only midi volume, but cubase will do fine. this is the best way i have found, unless you want to cus your sample up and sequence the chops. midi volume is the eisiest bestest way.

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Message 4/6                 Date: 28-Jan-00  @  10:07 AM   -   RE: Gated FX with vocals and stuff



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Thanks for both replies. This helps a lot. One question, with the time-strech. Can I use one sample in memory and apply different time-strech properties to it, and just have the one sample in memory? Or do i have to load several samples and apply different time-streches to them. Thanks again!


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Message 5/6                 Date: 28-Jan-00  @  01:54 PM   -   RE: Gated FX with vocals and stuff



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You could also do gating with something like a Pulse+ or a Virus, or anything that has an input on it.


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Message 6/6                 Date: 07-Feb-00  @  10:28 AM   -   RE: Gated FX with vocals and stuff



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Ok, so two ideas
Try the timestretch one as mentioned by ModAsBlue, but use in cyclic mode (not intelligent) and experiment with different cycle lengths; different widths; and use a high percentage stretch for those wierd Josh Wink-style 'Higher state of Consciousness' effects. However this effect is considered pretty naff and over used now - I havent heard it used in D&B for about 2 years. What it does sound good on is breaks and sweeps to give a metallic 'zing'!!!
Secondly, try copying the sample about 10 times and cut each one at different points-on the syllables or even smaller -(the smaller u get with each cut, the madder the effct will be!) After doing this, arrange each one up the keyboard and fuck about with 'em. Of course recycle will do this quicker if u have it. I think this is an effect used by Cemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, BT, Hybrid etc. on many of their vocals. If anyone has any ideas on other ways of doing similar fx please mail me or start a new thread......

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