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Subject: Rm1X a XoX version of Qy700 !?

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Original Message 1/4                 Date: 29-Mar-00  @  08:56 PM   -   Rm1X a XoX version of Qy700 !?



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I always thought of the RM1x as just another grovebox.. but after some research it turns out that
the RMX is a serious sequencer!!! ....
so correct me if I'm wrong but the RM1X is like a smaller version of the QY7oo sequencer in a
XOX format? so one can basically step in/out any note/s (chords) in a grid edit with graphical
feedback while the sequencer is playing back ..like the old analogue step sequencers!
what other sequencing edits can u perform on the fly? is it tight?/does it ever miss a beat skimp
or glitch? I assume u don't have to stop every time u want to jump into record mode (like on the
Su700) it really kills the moment.
how does the grid work, can u pick which part of the pattern is being viewed and edited or does
the grid display walk with the location?
can the 110.000 note capacity hold up a 2 hour live set?
can u record your mutes/ do they send midi?
and is there anything missing as far as sequencing or is the RMX truly a Midi Production Centre?!!

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Message 2/4                 Date: 06-Apr-00  @  08:14 AM   -   RE: Rm1X a XoX version of Qy700 !?



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I've only had my RM1x for a few weeks, but I'll comment on a few things. You have to stop if you want to go into record mode. But once in record mode, you can edit the grid on the fly (for one measure anyway, if you want to change measures you have to stop playback). But it only plays back the one track your editing while in grid edit mode. If anyone knows anyways around what I just said, I'd love to know how! The way you see what is selected in grid mode/or what channels are playing is via the 16 white buttons on the bottom (look at a pic of it). Each one of them has a red LED above them that shows what tracks are muted/unmuted, or if your in grid edit mode, what steps are selected. I can't comment on the 110,000 note capacity being enough for a 2 hour set, but, if your not using TONS (and I mean tons) of controller data, I would think it'd hold up well (if not, it DOES have a floppy drive if you could manage to find a good time to load the new data, but I wouldn't want to use floppies live). As far as its sequencing capabilities, it is great. The only limitation that I really see with the RM1x is that it is only 16 tracks, and only one set of MIDI ports.

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Message 3/4                 Date: 22-Apr-00  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: Rm1X a XoX version of Qy700 !?



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I can't remember who else said this, but I agree with them - it's best to record in the replace/overdub modes (where you set you time parameters and tap in for each track), then quantise if necessary. The grid and step modes sound good, but I've found them to pretty fiddly, and very fustrating speed-wise compared to alot of software sequencers, such as fruity loops, rebirth, or Tuareg etc.


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Message 4/4                 Date: 13-May-00  @  03:55 AM   -   RE: Rm1X a XoX version of Qy700 !?



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I hate the grid step on the RM1x. To much dicking around with the knobs(actually I hate grid step). The graphical step IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. It's sooooo fucking awesome to take advantage of it's 480 b.p.q. Nothing sounds as crazy to me as stepping out any parameter you want at that note resolution. Triggering my gear has taken on a new life. It is a QY with knobs and better features. After I got it my QY70 has found a new home in the closet. R.I.P.

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