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Subject: Ram for A4000

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Original Message 1/4                 Date: 24-Nov-00  @  06:55 PM   -   Ram for A4000



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Does anyone have any clue to what kind of cheap ram that can be used with the A4000, instead of the VERY expensive ram recommended from Yamaha. I am thinking of type, brand etc etc. Please be specific in your answer if you can.

Thanks in advance

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Message 2/4                 Date: 21-Dec-00  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: Ram for A4000



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I suppose the A4k refuses to recognize other RAM types than those expensive SIMM:s. However have you tried asking computer shops for second-hand-SIMM:s? I have 36Megs (internal 4 with 4*8Megs) on my A4000, bought them cheap from a shop which unpack old computers

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Message 3/4                 Date: 21-Dec-00  @  12:33 PM   -   RE: Ram for A4000



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right, try the old computers. mine works fine (2x16) which i swapped for a 32 Sdram..

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Message 4/4                 Date: 22-Dec-00  @  02:59 AM   -   RE: Ram for A4000


Posts: 219

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yep,thats what i did for my 5000,128 meg memory out of 4 different computers,same with the hard disk.Works perfect,dunno what type type of ram it was,but it worked!! and only cost 85 quid for the whole lot.

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