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Subject: E4 Midi controllers

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Original Message 1/4                 Date: 01-Dec-00  @  07:49 PM   -   E4 Help needed



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How do I control the filters, envelopes, ect. on my E5000 via midi?? I have looked in the manual for controller numbers, but I cant find them. Can someone give me the CC number for the filter, or better yet, where can I find a list of CC numbers for my sampler???

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Message 2/4                 Date: 01-Dec-00  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: E4 Midi controllers



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mt e4s not hooked up, but from what I can recall, you`re going about it the wring way. Try this - assign the mod wheel to filter frequency with a negative moddepth (assuming you`re using a lopass filter) - y`see? To use other controllers, if you scroll through all the mod sources in the cord screen you should get to a load of controllers: a,b,c,d yada yada yada - you can set which cc numbers are assigned to those mod sources somewhere in the master section, I forget where. now have fun.

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Message 3/4                 Date: 04-Dec-00  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: E4 Midi controllers



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you have to go to master section, and midi, then controlers1 to set up the controlers. pick control numbers for A-H. You pick the number. Then go to the preset edit and set up the controlers for that preset. In the Chords section Set the source to midi A, and the destination to FltFreq, and midi b to FltRes. Set the amount to +100% Then go to the amp section. Turn the filter value to zero and the res to zero. now you have to set a controler knob on your synth or fatboy... etc, to the number matching midi A and midi B. The knob will respond just like any other. At full right the filter is open and at full left it is closed. You use VEnvRls , VEnvAtk, VEnvDcy as destinations to control the envelop. You can choose the Midi A-H as the source. Use +100% for the attack and DCY, and -100% for the VEnvRls.

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Message 4/4                 Date: 04-Dec-00  @  08:35 PM   -   RE: E4 Midi controllers



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Bam! That did it. Thanks very much guys.

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