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Subject: Follow up to "why is my MPC doing this..

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Original Message 1/3                 Date: 10-Nov-00  @  02:10 PM   -   Follow up to


Posts: 2082

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File?:  No file

Why is the MPC/ or PC doning this to my floppy?

I saved all sequences to disk, gave it a name and it always showed "NAME" K).all. After backing the file up to my puter I noticed that I couldn't load it into the MPC anymore. Mouth wide open and almost a tear rolling down my cheak, I didn't understand. Pissed off as I was, I loaded a couple of different disks which *did* work. Loaded the first one again (Again I got "file not found",while I *could* read it's name!). And then it hit me : the name was somehow changed from "NAME" K).all to "NAME" f).all. Does anybody have an idea WTF happened here? I'm glad I worked it out and the sequences were not lost but I'd like to understand, just to get more insight of the appliance, if possible.


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Message 2/3                 Date: 10-Nov-00  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: Follow up to



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

It's because of Windows. It overwrites some sector of any removable media (floppy, Jaz, Zip, etc.) which screws up the names. If the names are 8 characters or under (ie DOS format), it will be fine. If they are longer than 8 characters, you'll get something like BassDr~3 as a name instead of BassDrum.

If you remember the names, you can rename them using the MPC in the disk page. Even with floppy you cannot back it up on the PC directly. An indirect way is to back up using the Teledisk program in DOS.

My suggestion if you have a SCSI card in your PC and a CDR Burner is to save all of your files onto Zip or Jaz. Then use the Disk2File program to create an image. You can then use that image to burn to CDR.

There is a link at www.tweakheadz.com which explains how to do this.


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Message 3/3                 Date: 12-Nov-00  @  05:10 AM   -   RE: Follow up to



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

That's fucked i can use the same zip in my mac and my mpc w/ no ill effects.you need PC exchange to do this but i realised I saved some shit on my zip the other night and saw it on my MPC and almost shit myself.But nothing happened to the previous mpc data.

I couldn't begin to help you solve a pc problem

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