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Subject: continues controllers for filter & Res

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Original Message 1/2                 Date: 09-Dec-00  @  07:07 AM   -   continues controllers for filter & Res



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i've created some presets and i set up the chordS. everything works fine except that the filter resonance doesn't take effect until the envelop is triggered again. How do i set up the preset so that the resonance will have an effect on the sound the instance the controler message is recieved ON MIDI B. The filter Freq works fine.
Also I can't seam to figure out how to adjust the dcy to sound like an analog. I've messed with it but the result is just a decreas in volume.I've sampled rebirth and my 101 and have these great acid presets but i need to adjust the decay.
Envelop modulation. I want to create realistic envelop modualtion. what i came up with is is sending the mod wheel to a chord # and that chord number has the source AmpEnv to dest. filter Freq. It works but it doesn't sound fast enough. It girlges slowly and sounds very unnatural. I've read e-mus do modulation well so help me figure it out.
review problems
1. Realtime filter resonance on the voice
2.analog style decay
3.analog style Envelop modulation

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Message 2/2                 Date: 09-Dec-00  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: continues controllers for filter & Res



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I figured out the dcy [art, but the res is driving me nuts. It doesn't have an effect on the voice until I retrigger.
And envelop mod is not working.

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