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Subject: new house track:3rd side....

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Original Message 1/4                 Date: 01-Sep-06  @  05:29 PM   -   new house track:3rd side....


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here is my latest one!as always I would appreciate your comments.....

third side of the coin

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Message 2/4                 Date: 01-Sep-06  @  08:40 PM     Edit: 01-Sep-06  |  08:46 PM   -   RE: new house track:3rd side....

Rags .aka. Welder

Posts: 649

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Very oldschool-ish intro, but then you add in the distorted delay and it really spice things up
nicely. Still, it has a bit of "depeche mode" kinda feel

Dunno, not really as meditative as I imagine a house track to be but... I tend to like this "marching electric knight legion" And then you open that huuge filter, yumm.

err... I like it! Just, well, only if th end would be a little bit more... sophisticated ya know?

ps: sorry for the brainwashed kinda comments, I am working on an apparently not-so-good track of mine, the kind of stuff you know you have to finish, so that you can forget about it and move on to better things

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Message 3/4                 Date: 04-Sep-06  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: new house track:3rd side....


Posts: 73

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Rags .aka. Welder wrote:

ps: sorry for the brainwashed kinda comments, I am working on an apparently not-so-good track of mine, the kind of stuff you know you have to finish, so that you can forget about it and move on to better things

hey mate first of all thanks for your reply!And second,you dont have to apologize for your comments!Polite criticism is always accepted and after all thats what makes us better
-although I am a bit sad you found it to be a litle "depeche mode" style

but after all,sincerely,thank you for your time.....

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Message 4/4                 Date: 04-Sep-06  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: new house track:3rd side....

Rags .aka. Welder

Posts: 649

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Naah, don't take that DM remark so seriously, I would say the SOUNDS it kinda REMINDS me of DM, but that is all so don't worry 'bout it.

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