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Subject: Rags: Silicon Jah

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Original Message 1/10                 Date: 02-Sep-06  @  11:32 AM   -   Rags: Silicon Jah

Rags .aka. Welder

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This one had almost 5 incarnations in 4 days (whole parts had to go, drums replaced 3 times) was a real nightmare at the end (the kind of stuff you don't dare to put away, but must finish so that you can make new things). In short, I got into my usual posessed state

I promise the next one will be better!

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Message 2/10                 Date: 02-Sep-06  @  03:33 PM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah


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Welder droid atmosphere as we tend to expect but yet surprised at again each and every time! It all just fits, no nonsense. Really love it, as always.

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Message 3/10                 Date: 02-Sep-06  @  03:49 PM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah


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yeah, nice man atmosrhythmic


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/10                 Date: 02-Sep-06  @  04:26 PM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah


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lovely. very deep. i kind of long for more of that out of sync osc synth, well done.

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Message 5/10                 Date: 04-Sep-06  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah

Musineer Productions

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Champion job!

Sounds very, er, Hungarian somehow.

Like the start (just about cheesed off it hadn't done what it does when it did).
Main bit is so full of half suggested things - and those skuttly drums and noises (electro pidgeons?) are just right.

Around a campfire in a forest of no leaves, with elongated puppet-like characters prancing about.

This should have been the music for the 'Judder' ad (a type of vodka I think it was)

So dreamy riff over that choppy beat. An accoustic feel somehow as well.

And the end!? Loony stroking a piano harp?

This is now my favourite of your stuff. More!

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Message 6/10                 Date: 04-Sep-06  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah

Rags .aka. Welder

Posts: 649

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Hey K, Folks, thanks for checking it out!

Maarten, kind comments from the dark techno master are always appreciated.

Nutoniom, glad you've liked it. The "out of sync osc synth" remark, well... gave me a bit of a headache until I've figured out which one you are talking about. Thanks man!

Musineer Productions: now I am pretty unsure about this "hungarianism" bit, it is either the main melody that resembles to a good old FM7 patch called "hungary", OR, it could be that the melody itself is pentatonic (most of hungarian folk stuff are pentatonic according to Mr. Kodaly, and he was an expert on this, but unfortunately I am absolutely not, so I could be wrong ). I am a living failure of the Kodaly Method :I can sing folk songs (in a very individually terrible way), but can't read nor write music.

BUT, it is always great to read that it is not just me whos head plays strage videos when certain kind of music is heard.

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Message 7/10                 Date: 07-Sep-06  @  07:40 PM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

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lol yes, the imagination fires immediately with some music. Yours does seem to do the job.

I looked into the Kodaly thing when I was teaching music. I like the emmersion idea (it's possible to teach a lot from a music lesson - maths obviously, but also history, anthropology, psychology, geography, etc, etc) but it possibly only works if you're interested in the mechanics of music to begin with. I also taught adults, so I've no idea how kids would react. Yes the theory was a Hungarian thing originally, but how do you mean you're a living failure of the method? The core directive was for high quality contemporary music...

I've tried to pin down why it's so Hungarian to me. I think it's more to do with beat than anything pentatonic (or bluesy?). That and the sounds you've used for the drums. Big browning skined drum, I can see it being beaten, then the wood is there and the stalk-thin folk with pointy bits - but that's the imagination thing again.

I don't know. Goulash and the mystery of somewhere other than here.

You're of Magyar - It sounds Magyarian - I give up.

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Message 8/10                 Date: 08-Sep-06  @  06:52 AM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah

Rags .aka. Welder

Posts: 649

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I was taught music for 8 years in primary school (just to compare we were being taught russian for 4 years :-) but most of it was singing folk-songs, which is actually good at the beginning (and I was always good at it). We had some basic theory too (but I always felt that our teachers didn't take that part too seriously)... so for example, after 8 years I knew nothing about chords (figured it out by myself later on  , and 'till this day I can't read/write music (of course I learned how trackers - and later on sequencers with piano rolls - represent pitch and rythm, to me that is much more logical than all those lines and keys and balls with sticks)...

Well, now I realise it actually IS a hard question how useful were those 8 years, coz' maybe without that I couldn't have figured out all these stuff by myself in an intuitive way.

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Message 9/10                 Date: 08-Sep-06  @  01:33 PM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah


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Nice job, dude, but I was extend my opinion before this comment, and I do not want to do it twice, because maybe I'm not right. :-)

It's a typical welder's song for me, not the best of these, but a good one.

The drums is my favourite in that, as I said.

best rags  ,
woland ex

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Message 10/10                 Date: 08-Sep-06  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: Rags: Silicon Jah

Rags .aka. Welder

Posts: 649

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Thanx man! Glad you've uploded that other one!

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