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Subject: Player Records needs your music

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Original Message 1/35                 Date: 15-Sep-02  @  07:12 PM   -   Player Records needs your music


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Player Records is looking for artists who want to release their soulful/funky house music.

Please send demo's on CD/MD/cassette to;

George Lowes
10 The Firs
Salters road
Newcastle Upon Tyne


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Message 2/35                 Date: 15-Sep-02  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: Player Records needs your music


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what are you looking for then? belgian hardcore?  

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Message 3/35                 Date: 15-Sep-02  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: Player Records needs your music


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does player records have a website we can look at?

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Message 4/35                 Date: 16-Sep-02  @  09:55 AM     Edit: 16-Sep-02  |  10:29 AM   -   RE: Player Records needs your music


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If it's the same guys ^ link

But there's a different address (leeds) for sending stuff to on that site. I think they've just released their first, vocal us style house thing.

So, george are there two player records?

me and my belgian hardcore, sorry it did say soulful/funky house.

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Message 5/35                 Date: 16-Sep-02  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: Player Records needs your music


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it would be a pitty if that guy doesnt show up anymore. i know some good house music producers on this website ;)

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Message 6/35                 Date: 16-Sep-02  @  09:10 PM   -   RE: Player Records needs your music


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There is only one Player Records! I work for the leeds based label as A&R, a talent scout if you like, and I'm not messing about, this is for real. Please if you have anything, even Belgian hardcore (as long as it's *ahem* funky) then send it on to me. I can guarantee that it will be listened to, and if it's what we're looking for, then I will forward it to the management. Even if it's not quite what we're after, then I'm willing to work on ideas with people, we don't need a finished master (although it'd be nice...) what we need is people with ideas, and a passion for their music. At the end of the day, You want to get your music signed up, and so do I!!!

Milan, please point any prospective people in the direction of this post!

cheers guys, hope to hear something from some of ya soon!


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Message 7/35                 Date: 16-Sep-02  @  09:32 PM     Edit: 16-Sep-02  |  09:33 PM   -   RE: Player Records needs your music


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have a listen to this demo george. and while you're here you can search the music section for house and have a listen, there's a few good tracks here.

i think player are already talking to someone who's occaisionally here on dt. :>

:> is the new   btw.

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Message 8/35                 Date: 16-Sep-02  @  09:51 PM   -   i couldn't think of anything to repace this with


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Nice man, I like that a lot!

Is there any chance of a copy of that on a cd? I know it's a lot to ask, but I'd like to be able to listen to it on something other than a shitty pair of computer speakers!!!

There is definitly a lot of potential in that track, could do some really good remix's of it!

My address is as above...

All the best,


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Message 9/35                 Date: 16-Sep-02  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: Player Records needs your music


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it'll be on it's way by the end of the week, along with a couple of others. :>

... dt is fan-tastic, dt is fan-tastic, la-la la la, la-la la la ... ok, i'll get me coat.

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Message 10/35                 Date: 16-Sep-02  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: Player Records needs your music


Posts: 5

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it's appreciated mate!

cheers for the tip-off about the tracks on the site, there's some real good stuff there!

Look forward to hearing your stuff


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