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Subject: Routing midi clock to multiple outs

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Original Message 1/7                 Date: 26-Nov-03  @  06:33 PM   -   Routing midi clock to multiple outs



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I have the same problem in both Sonar and Fruityloops. I'd like to have the software send a midi clock signal to multiple midi output ports at the same time but the software only allows me to choose one port. For example, in Fruityloops, I'd like for it to send clock to both my Access Virus and my JP-8000 hardware synths so that their arpeggiators sync up with fruity's drums. I'd also like fruity to still be able to drive those devices via tracks... as it is, it seems that I can send clock OR midi data but not both. Is there any sofware that will intercept the midi clock from one port (maybe a virtual port?) and send it out to multiple ports? If not software, then maybe I need a different midi interface capable of this. Right now I'm using a 2/2 motu flyer and winXP pro.


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Message 2/7                 Date: 26-Nov-03  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: Routing midi clock to multiple outs


Posts: 2707

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It's too bad you didn't go for a bigger MOTU. Everything from the MicroExpress on up distributes MIDI Clock to all outputs automagically (in hardware).

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Message 3/7                 Date: 26-Nov-03  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: Routing midi clock to multiple outs


Posts: 4573

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yeah the one-out-for-clock thing been the plague of cakewalk for ages, but they fixed it finally with sonar 3.0

short of that, i would think you'd need a midi splitter to split the clock, and then midi mergers for each unit that you wanted to send the clock to (for they should already have their own midi port which needs to be merged with the clok cable)

don't even know if this will work, though, and it's probably a lot easier and cheaper to upgrade to the newest sonar if you own it.

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Message 4/7                 Date: 27-Nov-03  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: Routing midi clock to multiple outs



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Really, I didn't know that about the Motu's. I guess if I can't find software to do it, then upgrading to the higher motu is my next option. I wish I would've known about that back when I bought this one!

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Message 5/7                 Date: 28-Nov-03  @  05:09 PM   -   RE: Routing midi clock to multiple outs


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or, um.... upgrading sonar?

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Message 6/7                 Date: 29-Nov-03  @  04:22 AM   -   RE: Routing midi clock to multiple outs


Posts: 2707

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Cheap plug - I've got a MOTU MicroExpress on ebay right now (upgraded to a MIDI Timepiece)


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Message 7/7                 Date: 30-Nov-03  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Routing midi clock to multiple outs


Posts: 12353

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couldn't he use Hubbi's type virtual port?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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