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Subject: Synth Edit Kick and Speech Stuff

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Original Message 1/5                 Date: 07-May-03  @  09:07 AM   -   Synth Edit Kick and Speech Stuff

Filthy McNasty


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Hey xoxos. Which one of your creatures is best for kicks? I tell you, soild kick drums is the only trouble I have drum wise. I reckon I need a synth.

Also how long till your speech synth arrives. I'd pay for a decent speech synth, there's so much I wanna say. Know what I mean? :-)

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Message 2/5                 Date: 09-May-03  @  07:17 PM     Edit: 09-May-03  |  08:11 PM   -   RE: Synth Edit Kick and Speech Stuff


Posts: 6231

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dood, few days at tops, and it's rockin! you can pay me by sharing information! i'm releasing it as 'thinkware..' you just gotta take a second to think about sumpin..

i uploaded the .se1 file, check synthedit files link at top of forum.. add your own features... kick drum vsti at link. sorry name isn't original, but i guess no one else has bothered with plain old 'kick' yet.. hope no colflicts down line.

the problem with the old versions thumper/thump is that jeff has a 'soft sync' on the oscs, ie. when syncing oscs value would fade quickly to prevent clicking, which sucks for hard syncing to a gate pulse. he fixed that earlier this week..

i compiled a lovely one.. but just recompiled with yet another update and it seems to have gone back to variation again.. :p hard to tell cos it could be my slow internet computer. the 'phase' should create more of a click by starting waveform at different phase value.. give it a try??

however.. i also recommend ersdrums, by the iblit guy... i can only hear the kick drums on my system (no multi outs) but they're rock solid. still, with se, the cpu might be a bit higher, but you can add all the options you want..

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Message 3/5                 Date: 09-May-03  @  08:17 PM   -   RE: Synth Edit Kick and Speech Stuff


Posts: 6231

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i'm not totally convinced the phase bit is working right.. pretty negligable tho.

k, could you delete my files 'thump' and 'orchcombo' (it's really high cpu, not very usefull, 5+ megs.. :p)

hey, try my vst effect 'choral' on homepage.. basic little chorus that uses 3 lfo rates for variation.. much simpler and more pleasing than most of the rot i chuck up..

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Message 4/5                 Date: 12-May-03  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: Synth Edit Kick and Speech Stuff

Filthy McNasty


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File?:  No file

Cheers xoxos. Much appreciated.

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Message 5/5                 Date: 12-May-03  @  07:25 PM   -   RE: Synth Edit Kick and Speech Stuff


Posts: 6231

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

working okay?   btw if anyone tried 'thump,' i believe one of the 3rd party modules i was using for the extra amplitude shapes caused it to crash.. so took out

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