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Subject: Making easy data backups in Logic

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Original Message 1/2                 Date: 17-Apr-03  @  10:22 AM   -   Making easy data backups in Logic



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Is there an easy way to make complete backups of a project in Logic 5, so that beside the .LSO file, all the audio, EXS24 Instruments/samples, etc (every element of the track) is included in the backup? If not, please feel free to share how you go about making your own backups.
Just thought I'd throw the question out since there seem to be many professional/semi-pro music makers on the board. cheers!

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Message 2/2                 Date: 17-Apr-03  @  10:39 AM     Edit: 17-Apr-03  |  10:49 AM   -   RE: Making easy data backups in Logic


Posts: 507

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File?:  No file

Ok, dont know if this is an "expert" method, nor am I a "pro/semipro"   but this is what I used to do:

1. I always make a directory for a new song, I put there everything (LSO files and audio).

lets assume the song I was working on is ready:

2. I make sure that all of the audio data is in the song dir (logic can copy/change reference of audio files quite nicely, optionally you can also optimize files, ie. remove unused audio)

3. I make sure that I save every sample I used under the song dir (I mean samples triggered by plugins)

4. I save the settings for ALL used plugins as a preset file into the songdir (this is just for my paranoia  

5. Make a text file in the song dir with
- version of logic used
- all 3rd party plugins used in the song along with version numbers

Thats it.

Oh yes, I use software only, otherwise I would also dump all my settings from synths it thats possible (or backup to the native media of the HW, or just simply note down settings)

Another thing is that I never use the backup mechanism of logic, instead of I make incremental backups of LSO files myself (like blabla00.lso, blabla01.lso etc... ) so its easier to guess which file contains that "lost idea" I want to recover.

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