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Subject: cyclone

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Original Message                 Date: 18-Feb-03  @  06:57 PM   -   cyclone

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

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Finally got a legit and registered copy of Sonar XL. At the moment I'm just setting up templates checking out the dxis and fx. While I was playing around with cyclone I couldn't find any "slicing" paramaters if I loaded a wav. file it would not automaticly slice, so I saved the wav. file as a RIFF (acid) wave and reloaded it still no slices,
the loops that come on the sonar cd all slice fine but I am not able to adjust the slice points I am able to edit each slice but not edit the size/start/end of the slice. I guess I was expecting somthing like the sampler in orion where you load a file and then silce it and presto it's loaded and mapped. Sooo my question is if I want to have a wave file sliced up in cyclone do I have to slice it up myself in sound forge and load it up one slice at a time or am I just missing somthing ?

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Message 11/12                 Date: 21-Feb-03  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: cyclone

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

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I know what u mean about the stuttering its not a buffer/latency issue as far as i can tell. It seems that where you position the "slices" on the sequencer affects the slices start time, if that makes sense. for example if you drage each slice doen to each pad in order you get a downward stair looking pattern (like in the example off the cakewalk website)when i play the first pad with my controller keyboard it responds instantly when i play the second pad it hesitates a little when i play the third pad it hesitates even longer, The only way ive been able to use cyclone is if i drag each slice to the far left of that shitty little sequencer then each pad responds immediatly when a midi note is played then i sequence using piano roll. mabey im retarded but that sequencer dosn't make a damn bit of sense to me somthing about this dxi is just bass ackward everything comes out sounding all stuttery and changes i make in the sequence don't affect the loop in the way i expect them to. besides all that I loaded up my song last night and alll my loops were gone from cyclone luckily i saved the loops as a .cyc cyclone file right? WRONG!!!! the file won't load may be corrupted. Great idea poorly implimented???

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Message 12/12                 Date: 25-Feb-03  @  10:33 PM   -   RE: cyclone

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

Every time I open a project my cyclone settings are all screwed up. The right loops are in the loop bin but the pads arn't mapped correctly its a pain in the ass i saved the teh .cyc file but when I load it, teh same screwed up settings load. anybody else have any problems with saving and loading cyclone presets??

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