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Subject: A good soundcard for MAC G5...

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Original Message 1/10                 Date: 16-Dec-03  @  05:57 AM   -   A good soundcard for MAC G5...

apple man


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I'm new to the MAC world and was wondering if someone could steer me in the right direction. I'm getting a MAC G5 and I'm looking for a good soundcard. I'll be using LOGIC plat 6, along with Kontact and a few other software pgms. Any info is appreciated!


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Message 2/10                 Date: 16-Dec-03  @  12:55 PM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...



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delta audiophile is good or mebbe use a USB device? - do you want a permenant install/card type

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Message 3/10                 Date: 16-Dec-03  @  01:49 PM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...


Posts: 5701

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for G5 and Logic6 plat? get at least a motu or something more "upper class" to go with that system

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Message 4/10                 Date: 16-Dec-03  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...

Apple Man


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Someone suggested this company for a nice soundcard. Anyone ever heard anything about these guys? I posted the link above...


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Message 5/10                 Date: 17-Dec-03  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...

Broken Silence

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get motu! that's my dream setup- G5, logic 6 and motu. the 2408 mk2's are reasonable s/h on ebay now too.

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Message 6/10                 Date: 17-Dec-03  @  04:51 AM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...


Posts: 4573

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I second and third the MOTU 2408... rock solid, especially with a mac. If you ever wanted to go portable, maybe the 828? They're all really popular and have gone through several generations, so there are a lot of them out there s/h when people upgraded.

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Message 7/10                 Date: 17-Dec-03  @  07:18 PM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...

Apple Man


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I have looked at the 828 and it looks very nice, but the only thing with the 828 is that it's firewire (I think) and the apple heads say that firewire may have some latency that comes with it. I want absolutly *NO* latency what so ever! My G5 will have 1 gig of ram, 1.6 gig processor, and an 80 gig HD and I want it to run like it supposed to  I heard something about MOTU 424 card and that it's pretty stable. Hmmm, I guees I'll figure it out. Thanks for the info!


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Message 8/10                 Date: 24-Dec-03  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...


Posts: 4573

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that would be the PCI card for the newer 2408 mk3. That's the current model and carries a $999 list. The 324 card for the mk1 and mk2 models is just as stable, the 424 just has more DSP for hardware mixing and monitoring with no latency. but I suspect you want no latency with software monitoring (so you can play softsynths and insert plugins live), which any 2408 will get you, in my opinion. I get 1.5 ms latency with a mk1, which is damned near nothing in my book.

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Message 9/10                 Date: 24-Dec-03  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...


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I should also say that I've run my 1800 Athlon with one soft synth running at 0.75 ms latency without a dropout.

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Message 10/10                 Date: 25-Dec-03  @  01:19 AM   -   RE: A good soundcard for MAC G5...


Posts: 1011

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for G5 and Logic6 plat? get at least a motu or something more "upper class" to go with that system

agreed over here, no point getting a g5 to put a budget card in it- wud be like running a sports car on remoulds......

that link for the RME hammerfall stuff, did you look more into that yet? Those 8/8s are supposee to be the biz mate- peeps are really getting into running them as front ends for serious audio recordings. Convertors are supposed to be comparable to Apogees (rosetta etc)

Other than that, Motu is the shit on mac/logic -

btw- have you bought the 1.6 yet? I reckon its worth paying a coupla hundred extra for a dual 1.8 , supposed to be like night and day side by side (1.6 has diff bussing/GBps throughput & slots etc than the 1.8&2 duals)


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