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Subject: Nord lead 2 tuning problem

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Original Message 1/9                 Date: 12-Dec-01  @  12:59 AM   -   Nord lead 2 tuning problem


Posts: 35

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I acquired a Nordlead2 from a friend. It seems that its tuning is off by about a semitone. I can fix it by actually tuning it up like +70 or so in the master tune, but that seems wack to keep it like that.
One thing I noticed was that when recording, I get a constant streem of data from the pitch wheel (bar whatever). Could that be causing it?
if so, does that mean I need to have the thing serviced? :-p
Any help is greatly aprreciated. Peace

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Message 2/9                 Date: 12-Dec-01  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: Nord lead 2 tuning problem


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definately it's the controller stuck somehow by the sound if it, is there a reset or something?.. the pitch wheel is centered tho right?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/9                 Date: 12-Dec-01  @  06:05 AM   -   RE: Nord lead 2 tuning problem


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should be a hard reset function. RTFM 

also..open it up and have a look! Nords are very well designed and easy to get around inside

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Message 4/9                 Date: 13-Dec-01  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: Nord lead 2 tuning problem


Posts: 2707

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It is sometimes normal to have some pitchbend data coming from a Nord. The stick is made to have no dead spots, so sometimes that's the price you pay.. But if the data isn't somewhere around dead center, then you have a problem.

I'd do a reset on it (don't remember how offhand), and RTM to see if there's some kind of global parameter that might be screwing the tuning up on you.


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Message 5/9                 Date: 13-Dec-01  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: Nord lead 2 tuning problem


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ewchy.. mine doesn't do that..

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Message 6/9                 Date: 13-Dec-01  @  06:43 PM   -   RE: Nord lead 2 tuning problem


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Do what? send pitch bend data? It's not a continuous stream, but mine most definately does send out some pitch bend data while playing..


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Message 7/9                 Date: 14-Dec-01  @  10:33 AM   -   RE: Nord lead 2 tuning problem


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nope, never.. not even during really excited vigorous playing (a-frame goes side to side.. and i wear a special costume..)

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Message 8/9                 Date: 14-Dec-01  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: Nord lead 2 tuning problem

fight picker


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"and i wear a special costume..)"

wear it HERE! dammnit

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Message 9/9                 Date: 15-Dec-01  @  10:01 AM   -   RE: Nord lead 2 tuning problem


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can you explain exactly how that would be a fight??

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