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Subject: Chicane-style trance leads

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Original Message 1/9                 Date: 10-Feb-02  @  03:52 AM   -   Chicane-style trance leads



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I have a question for all of you synth wizards: I am trying to recreate that
classic trance lead sound that Chicane uses on almost all of his tracks. Paul
van Dyk's "Autumn" is another track that uses this sound. You know what
I am talking about, right?

Any hints on how I could get it out of my Supernova? :-)
I know that it's based on a square wave, but I can't figure out the right filter
and FX settings. Give me some ideas, please. Thanks!


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Message 2/9                 Date: 10-Feb-02  @  12:18 PM     Edit: 10-Feb-02  |  12:20 PM   -   RE: Chicane-style trance leads

Bastiaan (Hajee)

Posts: 1309

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thanks for not crossposting... try some delay and a tad bit of verb. At lleast post a mp3 of the sound you like, so we know what you're talking about.

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Message 3/9                 Date: 10-Feb-02  @  12:39 PM     Edit: 10-Feb-02  |  12:41 PM   -   RE: Chicane-style trance leads


Posts: 2082

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Do a search on trance / Ferry Corsten / How do I...? / or JP8000/8080.... I've seen this type of sound question come along at least ten times in the last quarter.... I think

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Message 4/9                 Date: 10-Feb-02  @  02:07 PM   -   RE: Chicane-style trance leads


Posts: 12353

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we've done this one to death... try the forum search


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/9                 Date: 10-Feb-02  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: Chicane-style trance leads


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I'm new on this forum, but I don't think this
had been addressed before.

To clarify, I'm not looking for "THAT" trance
sound (distorted hard saw), I know how to get it.
What I'm trying to recreate is quite different:
it's that mellow lush sine-wavish sound that
Chicane uses in many of his tracks. I attached
an MP3 example.

I'm still a newbie when it comes to synth
programming and I've been trying (without success)
to recreate this sound on my supernova.


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Message 6/9                 Date: 10-Feb-02  @  11:46 PM   -   RE: Chicane-style trance leads


Posts: 5701

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hmm... no reason why that also couldnt be a saw wave. mebbe just less bright and harsh than usual. lots of delay and reverb on it too.

yeah, cool sound. sorry, cant help much.

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Message 7/9                 Date: 11-Feb-02  @  05:27 AM   -   RE: Chicane-style trance leads


Posts: 7627

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WHICH sound? the swoosh?


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Message 8/9                 Date: 11-Feb-02  @  05:56 AM   -   RE: Chicane-style trance leads


Posts: 5

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NO... The swoosh is just filtered white noise. I'm talkin' bout the foreground sound
(the melody).


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Message 9/9                 Date: 11-Feb-02  @  12:24 PM   -   RE: Chicane-style trance leads



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aha... yes but that's the same saw sound with less filter and envelope decay... i find the sound in question seems to have envelope decay bolted to the pitch mod & filter... The more the decay opens up the more filter & pitch-mod opens...

mind you, THAT sound does seem to have some 'chiff' attack transient to it doesn't it!? - definalty sounds layered to me - analog saw layered over a sample synth chiff-flute sound.

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