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Forums   -   Synths & synthesis

Subject: An1x percussion

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Original Message 1/6                 Date: 17-Jan-02  @  01:13 PM   -   An1x percussion

Bastiaan (Hajee)

Posts: 1309

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For those interested in in synthesising percussion type sounds...why not check my site I've made two mini tutorials available. Still trying to synthesise a decent clap of sorts..any pointers from fellow an1x users?

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Message 2/6                 Date: 17-Jan-02  @  03:51 PM   -   RE: An1x percussion


Posts: 5701

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hey, i´d love to check them out if you remind me what the correct url is. geocities tells me that the page is unavailable. weird. will try later.

hey, maybe you can help me out with my modulation question in this same forum?

cheers, m.

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Message 3/6                 Date: 17-Jan-02  @  04:29 PM   -   RE: An1x percussion

Bastiaan (Hajee)

Posts: 1309

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check em out...sometimes geocities kicks out people due to high traffic

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Message 4/6                 Date: 19-Jan-02  @  01:15 PM   -   RE: An1x percussion

Bastiaan (Hajee)

Posts: 1309

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And, did you have a chance to check em out?

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Message 5/6                 Date: 19-Jan-02  @  09:05 PM   -   RE: An1x percussion


Posts: 5701

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aye, i just got to it today.

tnx for showing me how easy it is to synthesize a half decent snare. i guess i never tried to before because i generaly just use smaples for that stuff. since i got the uQ, i´m having a real craving to try different stuff out, just like when i got my first synth   i couldnt make sense of some of the stuff in the article though (like wth is feedback?), guess its because its an1x specific. the rest still worked though.

nice little page, keep it up! i´m quite happy the music on the site didnt crash my fragile soundcard. its choosy about sampling rates, you know  

cheers mate, i´ll make sure to check out any other interesting stuff you come up with. M.

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Message 6/6                 Date: 19-Jan-02  @  10:06 PM   -   RE: An1x percussion

Bastiaan (Hajee)

Posts: 1309

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Feedback? The an1x lets you feedback it signal back into the signal path...it's basically what made these sound come out great....It's sooo much more fun to create you own sounds on a va and then sample them....I made some B*I*G drums today.... hey could you sampe the kick and snare you made on the Q for me? WAV 16 bit please? So I can put em up on my site (with proper credits) for comparison with the An1x originals...

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