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Subject: As happy as can be!

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Original Message 1/5                 Date: 04-Sep-01  @  11:38 AM   -   As happy as can be!


Posts: 2082

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Got me my Virus B last Saturday! Sweeeet! I'm a bit frightend though, been reading through the manual... damn, it's difficult to get my head around the way they're trying to explain things.
Mate of mine has the VirusA for some time now though... think I'll cheat and ask for a short one-on-one course :O


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Message 2/5                 Date: 04-Sep-01  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: As happy as can be!


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you know what tho? look at it logically..as far as the layout goes..its left to right, thats the signal path...

once someone pointed that out to me it simplified things greatly

hehe, and your buddies A version is quite different from yours. YOu have edit menus for each function that he will get confused about most likely.

just take the manual to bed with you. then when you wake up, read it more, and actually perform each function. just like school but more rewarding!

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Message 3/5                 Date: 05-Sep-01  @  10:19 AM   -   RE: As happy as can be!


Posts: 2082

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Hehe yeah, I took it to bed on Monday and after lots of confusion it seemed like it hit me all at once when I came home last evening... Strange experience that was, turning it on and completely understanding the whole OS structure at that moment.wierd. Yes, rewarding is the right word there and then.  


(Can't wait to go to bed tonight.)

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Message 4/5                 Date: 05-Sep-01  @  08:32 PM   -   RE: As happy as can be!


Posts: 7627

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told ya

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Message 5/5                 Date: 05-Sep-01  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: As happy as can be!


Posts: 122

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Funny how not only do 99% of newbie Virus B owners
love their purchase, most also take the time to write
home about it. I don't think there are many other synths
with as good a word-of-mouth rep., which explains the 6
mo. waiting list ;)

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